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  On 08/07/2012 at 22:23, pete123 said:
  On 01/07/2012 at 22:23, soldier1 said:

Great offer sir, seems alot of people dont like to share and want all the land for themself when we should all be on the same team and helping each other.





Dont get me wrong I am keeping the land to myself, my offer is for someone to tag along. No introductions will be made to owners and if anyone were to go on the land other than with me they would be doing so without me or land owners consent and would be in deep shit! I have been contacted by two people now and will happily take them out. But if anyone wants their own land they just have to keep knocking doors!


I take people out with me but only once I know them a little or they are mates of mates type of thing.

I will give you two examples of mates of mine who did similar but not anymore, fingers burnt and all that.


1) took out a lad a couple of times on a farm rough shooting, month later my mate sees the farmer who says "eh up John thought you'd packed the shooting game in?" John says "what you on about." farmer says "that lad you used to come on with told me youd packed it in and took up carp fishing so could he have permission to come on his own so I said yes"! luckily for John he knew the farmer well enough for him to f**k the other lad off.


2) mate took out a couple of of lads who wanted to take up shooting once they had been out several times they went behind his back and said to the farmer "why are you giving shooting rights to this guy for free we will pay you X amount if we can have the sole shooting permission. Mate lost that permission


Now these are two cases I know of personally and have heard and read of several others, it might be just me but I'm a little more cautious than seeing a guy with one post asking if I will take him shooting on land I've worked hard to get. None of my permission is a "mate who owns a farm" they have all been obtained by a fair bit of graft and are kept by building good relationships.


We need to bring the new lads through and this is one of the ways of introducing them but not everyone has the tame ethics as we would hope....



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Well that for sure could be aimed well and truly at me, but lets be honest here. Folk work hard to get permission so coming on here with offers of free pest control is just a joke right ?.   Offers

Well that for sure could be aimed well and truly at me, but lets be honest here. Folk work hard to get permission so coming on here with offers of free pest control is just a     Glad you have tak

Dont get me wrong I am keeping the land to myself, my offer is for someone to tag along. No introductions will be made to owners and if anyone were to go on the land other than with me they would be d

i know whatcha sayin. i wont take anyone unless i know em :victory: taking random people out is like askin to be shagged up the arse :icon_eek: i was invited a couple month back by a mate to shoot one of his mates land with them :hmm: anyway me and me mate went at the time and place agreed to meet the lad :hmm: he was there with 4others all with airguns :icon_eek: they had over a thousand acres to go at ''good land aswell :cray: me mate borrowed a shotgun to one of em :D they were fockin clueless so i gave em a wide birth :bye: cut a long story short them idiots shot anything that moved, blackbirds, pipits gull's and 2 hen pheasants outta season :laugh: and these were men ,,not boys :icon_eek::blink:

it made me sick seeing such excellent land being given to a bunch of :censored: noobs :boogy: but there ya go.

Edited by miroku moocher
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  On 12/07/2012 at 09:35, soldier1 said:

I had no idea the shooting community was like this, i was going to offer a space on my new permission but thinking twice now.


Not the shooting community bud, life is like this doesn't matter if it's hunting fishing or playing golf there's always some tw*t ready to do you a wrong un.


Take people out give them an understanding of what it's all about but just be careful who.....

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 11/08/2012 at 13:19, tdmrider said:

how that work out, taking people with you, as thought land owner gives permission for 1 person




Depends on the agreement you make at first I have taken two out with me before, farmer just wants bunnies to be controlled but in a sensible safe manor never a group of loonies otherwise wave goodbye to your permission

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  On 11/08/2012 at 15:41, tdmrider said:

what about the law side of it ,would you need written too for the other person?

as id like to take a friend or my son if i ever get permission,

most of my land has no written permision just a good friendship and understanding from all the land owners :thumbs: never had any problems at all and ive been going on some of it since i was in short trousers :laugh:
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most of my land has no written permision just a good friendship and understanding from all the land owners :thumbs: never had any problems at all and ive been going on some of it since i was in short trousers

thats brilliant for you,

but for a newbie knowing no land owners wouldnt be better get permission in writting ??

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  On 11/08/2012 at 16:02, tdmrider said:
most of my land has no written permision just a good friendship and understanding from all the land owners :thumbs: never had any problems at all and ive been going on some of it since i was in short trousers

thats brilliant for you,

but for a newbie knowing no land owners wouldnt be better get permission in writting ??

is the mans word not good enough :hmm: , unless you need it for an fac application :thumbs:
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  On 09/05/2012 at 09:21, The one said:

I like taking people out as well ,but im always wondering why cant they get permission ?. then you hope youve picked the good guys and there no going on the ground behind your back etc

For some people its hard to get permission but once you get a bit it seems to flow! well thats what happened with us!! and there is plenty of rats around who go behind you back belive me :nono::angry2:
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