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sand is usefull placed in the correct places overnight, it works all night so you dont have to and in the morning all is revealed

Mink rafts will save you endless amounts of time!!

That's we're the hoofing comes in bud get out and walk the river banks only way to find is to look

Now come on rhys, we all know you love a bit of shooting, and you are just my type of shooter . . . . . . the kind that never hits anything :tongue2:

I hit every thing I shoot at but it runs off the sites on this bloody 243 must be out again I hit 666 foxs on the lamp last summer bloody gun,lol.

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Now come on rhys, we all know you love a bit of shooting, and you are just my type of shooter . . . . . . the kind that never hits anything :tongue2:

I hit every thing I shoot at but it runs off the sites on this bloody 243 must be out again I hit 666 foxs on the lamp last summer bloody gun,lol.


I find it easier to shoot the full grown ones, bigger target, but apparently your meant to aim for the head, rather than the arse? I dunno, im looking to import a fully automatic from somewhere, maybe afghanistan?


I just run over the smaller ones now, saves amo.

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Piss off Ideation just took the lamp off charge and got a box full of the little gold pointy things in my pocket got to go and let them off, Ive spent the last 9 years learning the art of lamping raynard by night ive got a lot to learn I know but let me get on with it will you and piss off to france. p.s dont forget my burn.

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Go get em my son! Now remember you get extra points for a milky vixen, cos it's like 4/5/6 for the price of one bullet when they all starve to death underground.


9 years, i've not been learning 9 mins and i already know it all, now where's my six shooter. . . . yeeeee haaaar! Saw a charlie running down the street past the missus drive earlier, might go jump in the car and try for a drive by. :thumbs:


I'll let you know about the burn mate. Just found out there is a river in front of the place we staying, should have packed a rod!

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  • 4 months later...

Aye, trust me, i spend a fair bit of time walking the banks, of both larger rivers, and smaller streams / brooks, with the dogs and they seem very very few and far between around these parts. Was just hoping for a little direction into which river / stream networks might hold decent numbers.

Stick a trap out for the knight,you will be suprised at the amount of them about.


It's Mink he's after, not Sir f***ing Lancelot :whistling:


Nice one lmfao

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