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kitts on there way

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well i was,nt sure if it was a phantom pregency or not , BUT i just checked her and shes in the middle of giving birth :icon_eek:


this is a first for me re-ferrets , what are the does and donts .

shall i leave her , can i feed her etc , etc ,


need advice asap .




Darren .

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Awwwwwww how exciting :D leave her food all the time to pick at & basically leave her to deliver them, she will do the hard work ,so just take each day at a time ,keep us updated



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i'd give them at least 7 days before you go poking about in the nest - she might decide they look like a nice little snack :icon_eek: 2 weeks would probably be best, when they start coming out of the nest to explore :good:

just feed her loads & let her get on with it. clean out her poo corner, but don't touch the nest.

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