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Lets have some piccies


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Guest little_lloyd

A few more of my dog :D Shes not really a working terrier but come out ferreting and tries to get anything that jumps out the hedge :laugh::laugh: Im trying to get her to work bunnies and rats for next season :victory:



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Guest Lurcherbitch
Lurcher bitch you got me going now, i try to stick my head in the sand and pretend no one ill treats dogs , then i see the proof again, if i ever find anyone who mistreats dogs i will kick ten bales of shit out of them, and thats a promise. :censored::censored: .


Thanks a couple more ;) .



vicky, nearly died os pyometra.



snuffy...what a hand full




Rickie......god this dog was a night mare nobody wanted him :cry:



Was he one hel of a dog.



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here's a few of my old pics.

my little brother & me with mums beddy/whippet x grey, Moss. the things people did to their kids in the late 80's!! :laugh:


Were'nt home knitted jumpers just the best things in the world when you were a kid, watching mother knit them and have to keep standing still so she sould measure them up against you :D . I used to love mine. Hated them though when i started high school, and everyone else was in trendy shop bought gear :icon_redface::laugh:



i didn't mind the jumpers - mum knitted me & bro some truly amazing ones, more like art than clothing. it's the bloody haircuts she gave me that make me cringe! :laugh:

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I forgot to add this pic to mine, Bess is 9 yrs old & means the world to us,she had to be handreared by me as her mom wouldnt feed the puppies :cry: she is quite firey & typically has the terrier spirit :laugh:

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We need a "fish-eye" lense for Ians huge Konk!!!


The love of my Life....Lucy....gone but not forgotten, a cracking little foxing bitch that was a real character. When i got her she had been badley treated and obviously not fed and cared for. A couple of months down the line she was a different dog with her whole life ahead of her. I gave her some great work and a caring home where she must have thanked the lord that her fortunes had changed. She had to be PTS a couple of years ago with an unoperable back condition.

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