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Lets have some piccies


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Well here is a few of mine :victory:


this one means the most to me ;)

its of me and my best mate, who sadly died last year..

this was took about 4 years ago i think




this is of my first terrier and my very first fox..




this one is of me and the dogs at a mates uncles farm..




a pic my mate took of me with my first roe deer...




and the last one, a pic i took which i like...








You've done some growing in 4 years Jay, sorry to hear about your mate too.

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just a couple of my fav pic. first one is of a pike i caugh last november. its 2pm and what looks like snow is in fact a frost. It was like it all day and it was about -10 temp wise. thing that makes laugh was i fell asleep leaning against a tree and when i woke and tried to move i was stuck to the bloody thing :laugh:


turns out that is my best pike to boot 16.3/4lb :D


second pic is of my first real working lurcher, got me in some trouble she did, allways taking me where i shouldnt have been chasing those rabbits :whistle:




this pic allways makes me smile as it was after she had ran a fox into a dyke full of mud. sorry for the pic quality as i had to take a pic of the photos in there frames.

Edited by mole catcher
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Guest WILF


this pic allways makes me smile as it was after she had ran a fox into a dyke full of mud. sorry for the pic quality as i had to take a pic of the photos in there frames.


After a similar incident........complete accident but lucky to be able to recall the dog away ;)






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Guest Lurcherbitch

My beloved first lurcher Brian, who got stolen from my garden and killed. He was the love of my life



And some dog's i have rescued over the years














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Guest little_lloyd

My beloved first lurcher Brian, who got stolen from my garden and killed. He was the love of my life



What scummy low life assholes who ever di that :censored: How could anyone ever do that ?? :(

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here's a few of my old pics.


winning another first with my JR Brambles, Swaffham racetrack i do believe. around 91/92




my little brother & me with mums beddy/whippet x grey, Moss. the things people did to their kids in the late 80's!! :laugh:




my little brother, dad & me, with Black Jack Davy, my 29 1/2" saluki x grey. taken in '87 i think




my grandad & dad with my shetland Nobby Baker. photo from about '87again. two hours later dad came home, carrying a shaft, swearing for England. the pony had bolted into a ditch when it saw a lorry coming on the lane, taking dad & te cart with him. dad came home and left the pony in the ditch cos he was in such a foul mood, we had to go back & get it.




and this is my dad with Tony Isbill, the guy we got most of our best dogs from. taken at Watton Horse Sale about 6 years ago. top bloke, keeps horses these days. i saw him at watton horse sale a couple of weeks ago, and mum pointed out i've known him my whole life, i first met him when i was a newborn. he's practically family :)


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Lovely pics Ossie.


LB: have you got any 'after' pics of the two dreadfully skinny ones: did they come right?


Sod it: I always have to edit my posts as I'm so dyslexic and forget to check the spelling!!

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Guest Lurcherbitch
Lovely pics Ossie.


LB: have you got any 'after' pics of the two dreadfully skinny ones: did they come right?


Sod it: I always have to edit my posts as I'm so dyslexic and forget to check the spelling!!


I have but not on puter :cry: will see if i can get them scanned ;)


Chester the red fawn was a bugger when he came right.

Delilah the old cream...came in old but lived another 5yrs.

Poppy the littl blk with deformed legs..........her legs straightend up and she is as healthy and happy as any other dog.xx


Heres a befor and after for you.xx


oliver befor. :cry:



oliver after :clapper:


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here's a few of my old pics.

my little brother & me with mums beddy/whippet x grey, Moss. the things people did to their kids in the late 80's!! :laugh:


Were'nt home knitted jumpers just the best things in the world when you were a kid, watching mother knit them and have to keep standing still so she sould measure them up against you :D . I used to love mine. Hated them though when i started high school, and everyone else was in trendy shop bought gear :icon_redface::laugh:


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Lurcher bitch you got me going now, i try to stick my head in the sand and pretend no one ill treats dogs , then i see the proof again, if i ever find anyone who mistreats dogs i will kick ten bales of shit out of them, and thats a promise. :censored::censored: .

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