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wobbly hind leg

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If the hob is putting weight on the leg that's likely a better sign, however they really are tough wee animals and if it's showing a limp then there's a chance significant damage has been done. I'd reckon a vet visit would be worthwhile, ferts don't tend to show weakness unless they can't help it. Atb.

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  On 07/05/2012 at 17:37, gerallt-roberts said:

thanks 4 the advice, will take him soon as to see the vet. been told it could be because he was allways in his cage, basicly abandoned. ill make sure he has plenty of atention and let out of his cage as often as poss. tanks again 4 advice.


In all fairness why did you work him soon if you knew he'd been caged long-term? Ferts are tough but not invincible. If he's limping, he's suffering, checkover/pain management for him and hopefully he'll work again well for you. Maybe he got his leg caught in a root or had a barny underground? Either way, he needs some pain relief regardless of the prognosis. Atb and hope he's back to himself in no time.


Edited to say, it seems you're the type of owner to take good care and give them good quality time, that trait will stand in your stead. Atb again.

Edited by ferret100
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