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My pup got his first rat!!!

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As we farm pigs we know alot of farmers who of course have rats, i was talking to this dairy farmer about my terrier pup who i was soon hoping to get him his firts rat. The farmer said i could set a trap and see what i get, the next day i got a phonecall from him say ing i had a mudda fecker of a rat! Becae it was the pups first rat i wasn't too sure if he'd be alright with it so i phoned up my mate who bred him and he said he'd bring george's mum. One we arrived both dogs sprinted to the cage and this monster of a rat greated them by having a right go at them through the mesh, all hyped up we picked up the cage and headed to a field....



At this point George was real hyped up baying like a pro, my mate had them by their scruffs ready to slip Gerge on this monster. The cage door flies open, rat charges out to meet Georges jaws, he gave some good shakes but then got bit he dropped it and then the rat hid in the grass. My mate sent Gerge's mum to find it George determined as ever followed, as his mum found the rat George unleashed his anger him ripped the still live rat from tilly's mouth and with 3 deadly shakes the rat was dead! I was soooooooo proud of him, i'm going back down there with my mate to see if we can bolt any more. I will get pics of his first rat up tomorrow although they're pretty shit as thay were on my phone!

He is 1/4 Norfolk Terrier 3/4 Jack Russell, hope you enjoyed the read! :toast:

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Thanks for looking out for me Bearinator :thumbs: Hahaha yes Buster we've been up at the farm today for about 5 hours bolted two rats but Gerge missed them! :icon_redface: So i'm going out again tomorrow!

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