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Up sticks and leave !!!

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the mrs keeps looking a bungalows -- the big must have for me -- is a big old man shed :whistling: and room for a small kennel block

she would`nt want me sawing wood in her new bungalow malt ;)




I was chuckling away about that post yesterday as I was sawing wood on the kitchen table while the wife was in work! :D

before my shed days done the same mate i made a 3 section terrier box when she was out at work -- them kitchen tables make sound work benchs and it was cold outside -- thought i`d got away with it till she emptied the hoover ..
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i would love to move but am sure the wife would find me

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Grounds for divorce that Malt, you thrill seeker :laugh:


No worries on that front John, I've got all angles covered.. ;) I'll be knackered when the kids move out though, I'll have to start blaming the dogs for any mysterious scratches! :laugh:


the mrs keeps looking a bungalows -- the big must have for me -- is a big old man shed :whistling: and room for a small kennel block

she would`nt want me sawing wood in her new bungalow malt ;)




I was chuckling away about that post yesterday as I was sawing wood on the kitchen table while the wife was in work! :D

before my shed days done the same mate i made a 3 section terrier box when she was out at work -- them kitchen tables make sound work benchs and it was cold outside -- thought i`d got away with it till she emptied the hoover ..


:laugh: Busted! :D

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when i was young 25 lived rough for 12 months, living in the back of a van travelling round sites roofing. got some good money. When i came home to stay, the day walked back through door had long hair+beard , my mother nearly shit her self when she saw me lol, did look bit rough though :laugh:

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Any body on here just up sticks and moved away from there ( home ) ??? As I am thinking of moving from Portsmouth where all my family are to south Wales !!! Leavening older kids parents friends but hopefully for a better life . Has any one done this does it work ??????


When it comes to moving AWAY from Portsmouth, what is there to think about ?? Lol lol

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i left home when i was 16 and have never lived back there since , when i was about 23 i went over to tenerife with about £200 in my pocket , didnt know anyone , stayed there for 4 year , then went to holland for 3 years . if you dont try you will never know , :thumbs:

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Always knew id leave England, always thought it'd be for the U.S., made it as far as mainland Europe......for now.


If you keep thinking about doing it, then you'll probably regret it if you dont.

I was lucky enough to travel around Europe with work, so got a good taster before I upsticks.

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Moved from Oldham (north west). Over to northern Ireland been here 4 years this year , wouldn't move back now

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If i was to upsticks its would be alot further that sheep country. The land of smiles i would grace with open arms. Thailand, true paradise on earth. Anywhere in that region can make a good home for expats. Got along way to go before i can afford to retire. Have to settle for a few weeks twice a year for the time being. Been 21 is a shit age, Possibly 40 plus years of paying tax left. FML

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If i was to upsticks its would be alot further that sheep country. The land of smiles i would grace with open arms. Thailand, true paradise on earth. Anywhere in that region can make a good home for expats. Got along way to go before i can afford to retire. Have to settle for a few weeks twice a year for the time being. Been 21 is a shit age, Possibly 40 plus years of paying tax left. FML

if you think being 21s shite you must be doin something wrong ---- dont wish your life away
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Moved about a fair bit for work, but now in East Mids. Probably be moving shortly for the missus work. And I plan on living/working in London in the near future. Wanting to retire early to Europe. Hungary looks really attractive, apart from the difficult as f**k to learn language. Oz/NZ are also looking good. Would like to do some time in France. Republic of Ireland looks good as well.

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im doing the opposite to you lot, im moving back home :D :D this time next week ill be having a few stellas in my local after a day out wi the dogs and a roast dinner :toast: :toast:

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im doing the opposite to you lot, im moving back home :D :D this time next week ill be having a few stellas in my local after a day out wi the dogs and a roast dinner :toast: :toast:

glad i give up the scrap job then , :laugh: thats all i need another sherpa van on the streets :laugh:
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im doing the opposite to you lot, im moving back home :D :D this time next week ill be having a few stellas in my local after a day out wi the dogs and a roast dinner :toast: :toast:

glad i give up the scrap job then , :laugh: thats all i need another sherpa van on the streets :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: you no me to well :D :D i cant wait to get back mate, gonna be mega!!! ive had a brilliant few months here tho and its been so nice to get away, but home is where the heart is and i can always come back here if things dont work out at home :thumbs:

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im doing the opposite to you lot, im moving back home :D :D this time next week ill be having a few stellas in my local after a day out wi the dogs and a roast dinner :toast: :toast:

glad i give up the scrap job then , :laugh: thats all i need another sherpa van on the streets :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: you no me to well :D :D i cant wait to get back mate, gonna be mega!!! ive had a brilliant few months here tho and its been so nice to get away, but home is where the heart is and i can always come back here if things dont work out at home :thumbs:

you might be supprised how many vans are on the road now mate . you gotta be up early :big_boss:
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