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New Rabbit Killer

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My fault Buster as had the guns put away and been working the dogs, so haven't done much shooting and can't be bothered posting about shooting a few ferals or rats in factories and that at work :laugh: , but hopefully I'll be out next weekend for some bunny bashing with the hw100kt :victory: and any grey squirrels will get a bit lead as well :toast:

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Mal , not to worry , im a bummer these days :laugh:

Very very duty bound and mean looking rifle that Craig. I can see it is pure quality.


If it shoots any where near as good as it looks its going to be awesome.


For me that's the best looking rifle Ive seen on here for a long time and just my personal cup of tea. I'm jealous :icon_redface: .


I think the only difference I would of had is that I would of gone for a .22 as shooting the XVI these past few days in the wind we have had here has really brought back my passion for the bigger calibre and the HW100 has been sat in the cabinet feeling sorry for itself.


I really look forward to seeing some photos and reading your review of it buddy and i wish you all the nest with it.



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That is the sexiest MFR I have ever seen


I have been trying to justify buying one


Very very very jealous!!!!!


Congrats on your purchase, if it shoots anywhere close to how good it looks it will be amazing





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Mal , :laugh: not to worry , im a bummer these days :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


No change there then.....lol


Have you been out with it yet dude ??


I guess i asked for that did`nt i stranger :laugh:


Ive put it through its paces , and its awesome . Its more to do with the work thats been carried out on it than the bloke pulling the trigger , of that i can be sure . If im honest , the rapids are a great rifle , but give it to a bloke with the right know how and ability , and he can very quickly turn it into an awesome rifle . There`s alot to be said for that chap i know up north who has taken this to a complete new level .

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