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sure that wa a lab x and not a bull very similar dogs bulls and labs common origin aswell...


Wasnt any bullxs around back then mate

sure that wa a lab x and not a bull very similar dogs bulls and labs common origin aswell...


Wasnt any bullxs around back then mate

how long we talking bullxs been here a long time mate?
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Lab xs are good hardy dogs mate had one in the 80s what a dog great for everything .As far as nose goes wouldnt have a lurcher that never put its nose to the ground great to see a lurcher work .As far

Always thought it would be a cracking x. Anyone want to try it then look no further i have the very stud here. All you can ask and more!!...............

That dog was the only one I came across, as I said his pups was nothing special fast but short of stamina, a lined him to another bitch, but nothing to talk of, he was so intelligent, you had to see

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Have lurchrs gone so far downhill that scenting ability is no longer sought after, I think a Lab has a lot more to offer than just its scenting ability, I remember 1 a very very long time ago used as a terriermans dog for bolters and awkward customers at the end of the dig, he was a lot better at his job than a lot of the bull xs that are about today

of course not!!! a lurchers job is to kill what it sees and will/does/can use its nose in the process! but seriously how much "nose" does a lurcher need??? if they are hot on the scent trail of a hare with there nose down and the hare jumps up 100 meters away would you be annoyed that the dog missed the hare because its to focused on the scent??? its all hypothetical though and for every theory out there, there will be a dog to prove it wrong ;):thumbs:

Edited by lurcher1
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Have lurchrs gone so far downhill that scenting ability is no longer sought after, I think a Lab has a lot more to offer than just its scenting ability, I remember 1 a very very long time ago used as a terriermans dog for bolters and awkward customers at the end of the dig, he was a lot better at his job than a lot of the bull xs that are about today

of course not!!! a lurchers job is to kill what it sees and will/does/can use its nose in the process! but seriously how much "nose" does a lurcher need??? if they are hot on the scent trail of a hare with there nose down and the hare jumps up 100 meters away would you be annoyed that the dog missed the hare because its to focused on the scent??? its all hypothetical though and for every theory out there, there will be a dog to prove it wrong ;):thumbs:

You would have a mixture though and as Labs air scent i doubt your scenario would be a problem. Theres plenty time a Lurcher hasn't seen the game that you have seen too..... :thumbs:

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Lab xs are good hardy dogs mate had one in the 80s what a dog great for everything .As far as nose goes wouldnt have a lurcher that never put its nose to the ground great to see a lurcher work .As far as not been able to lamp because its to much nose rubbish up to the owner to bring the dog on right , Lab xs are good dogs atb

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Lab xs are good hardy dogs mate had one in the 80s what a dog great for everything .As far as nose goes wouldnt have a lurcher that never put its nose to the ground great to see a lurcher work .As far as not been able to lamp because its to much nose rubbish up to the owner to bring the dog on right , Lab xs are good dogs atb

100% agree :thumbs:
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Have lurchrs gone so far downhill that scenting ability is no longer sought after, I think a Lab has a lot more to offer than just its scenting ability, I remember 1 a very very long time ago used as a terriermans dog for bolters and awkward customers at the end of the dig, he was a lot better at his job than a lot of the bull xs that are about today

of course not!!! a lurchers job is to kill what it sees and will/does/can use its nose in the process! but seriously how much "nose" does a lurcher need??? if they are hot on the scent trail of a hare with there nose down and the hare jumps up 100 meters away would you be annoyed that the dog missed the hare because its to focused on the scent??? its all hypothetical though and for every theory out there, there will be a dog to prove it wrong ;):thumbs:

lurcher 1 surely if your dog scenting and its nose is to the ground and something gets up 100 yards away and doesnt see it all you do is shout and the dog sees it and the chase is on atb
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sure that wa a lab x and not a bull very similar dogs bulls and labs common origin aswell...


Wasnt any bullxs around back then mate

sure that wa a lab x and not a bull very similar dogs bulls and labs common origin aswell...


Wasnt any bullxs around back then mate

how long we talking bullxs been here a long time mate?


70's and the dog was a genuine Lab x

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We are 6 pages into this thread and i am still yet to hear of anything other than good reports of them? Anyone currently breeding them or have done in the past? ATB Andy. ;)

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Guest born to run1083

Why the need for a top Racing Greyhound when were only taking seconds between a champion and a decent one. By crossing with a Lab your automatically slowing the X down so wouldn't it be more effective to look for the fittest raciest lab you could find?..... :thumbs:


Why the need for a top Saluki,Collie,Deerhound etc then? By trying to get the best available in both sire and dam surely you are rolling the dice in your favour are you not? ATB Andy. :thumbs:

Yip i take your point but with this cross your never going to produce a world beater but at most a very decent pot-filler. Lets face i doubt no top Greyhound owner will be interested in lineing there champion racer with a Lab so the best you can expect is a very decent ex-racer or an injured bitch. I think the point i am trying to make is i'd rather line a decent greyhound with a top athletic Lab rather than a Champion Greyhound with an average Lab...... :thumbs:

Feck off Simo he jumps fences like a stag man, he's not nicknamed the Lurchador for nothing...... ;) Heres one of his offspring......long enough in the leg for you mate...?... :victory:

I agree a greyhound off the track are only separated by a second at most so there ain't much difference I would prefer using a working grey as that's a whole different aspect to track racing. On track they don't twist and turn or dip and dive lol a slower grey on track might be faster on the turn and strike for example in field then straight line rockets. I'd much prefere working grey put to working lab, that's why whippets or whip/greys are used more now adays much easier to find a working linage

Edited by born to run1083
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We are 6 pages into this thread and i am still yet to hear of anything other than good reports of them? Anyone currently breeding them or have done in the past? ATB Andy. ;)

andy i had an old friend who has since long gone rip mick , he bred a few litters to the whippet x grey , grews from bilko lines , weoften had trips far up north and he used to take his wee bitch she was ok decent enoughanimal. what i would say to those who are rambling about nose this that , a good animal can virtually predict when the game his about to rise in some case being snapped up before its got a going , the love of water his a passed on to the hybrid also wich his another plus . Iwoulfd think it may be difficult to find any one breeding these lines or f1s maybe some one ought there who knows , good luck in your search atb bunnys.
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Have lurchrs gone so far downhill that scenting ability is no longer sought after, I think a Lab has a lot more to offer than just its scenting ability, I remember 1 a very very long time ago used as a terriermans dog for bolters and awkward customers at the end of the dig, he was a lot better at his job than a lot of the bull xs that are about today

of course not!!! a lurchers job is to kill what it sees and will/does/can use its nose in the process! but seriously how much "nose" does a lurcher need??? if they are hot on the scent trail of a hare with there nose down and the hare jumps up 100 meters away would you be annoyed that the dog missed the hare because its to focused on the scent??? its all hypothetical though and for every theory out there, there will be a dog to prove it wrong ;):thumbs:

You would have a mixture though and as Labs air scent i doubt your scenario would be a problem. Theres plenty time a Lurcher hasn't seen the game that you have seen too..... :thumbs:

like i said every theory can be proved right or wrong mate :thumbs:


funny story......

about 13 years ago me and a friend went to see a farmer who had a bedlington X lakeland terrier for sale as his son had brought it but got bored so never took it out!! anyway we got to the farm and just as we were getting out the truck a great big f****r of a lab came flying out the barn, making us shut the doors double quick!!!! this thing was fooking savage :icon_eek: it was clawing at the door to get at us, then jumped on the bonnet and was baying like a hound at the windscreen for 5 mins and finishing up on the roof trying to dig through :icon_eek: while all this was going on the farmer and his 2 sons were stood pissing themselves!!! then the dad gives a whistle and the dog jumps off and goes and lies down on a bale of straw in the barn!!! my mate DROVE the ten meters from where we were to the 3 farmers, winds the window down and asks if it safe to get out, which we were assured it was, so we did and the lab was sound, just lying there like nothing had happened :laugh:

anyway we asked about the terrier and were led through a few sheds untill we came to an old pig sty with the dog in it and what a dog he looked!!! we got talking and the farmer was telling us how the terrier kept escaping and killing the yard cats, chickens and even latched on the the bull!! then the farmers son told us that a couple of weeks before the terrier and lab both f****d off together and after being missing all day one off the sons drove out to have a look for them and found them at a fox earth with the terrier in baying away and the lab digging into the terrier!!! he said he could only just see the labs tail and after 30 mins the terrier drew the fox which him and the lab killed together! me and my mate didnt really believe him at first so we asked if we could take the dog to an earth we knew on the land and try him, no problem was the reply. so we all jumped in the land rover with the terrier and then the lab jumped in, sitting next me and staring at me the whole journey :huh: when we got to earth the lab just jumped out and checked all the holes, then started acting just like it did back on the truck!!! baying like fook,digging at the entrance and ripping out roots with his teeth!! so terrier in and after 10 mins we heard him start to bay :boogy: my mate brought his lurcher along and when the fox bolted, with the terrier not far behind, he slipped her on the fox! the fox was flying and it was funny as f**k watching the lurcher coursing the fox with a terrier and lab trying to keep up :laugh: :laugh: the lurcher nailed the fox and with her knew found foxing friends soon behind they soon finished it off!!! me and my mate ran over and when we got there the lab had a throat hold worthy of a champion pitbull :icon_eek: but what surprised me the most was the ferocity it showed to the fox, it really hated them with a passion!!! after the situation had calmed down the lurcher and terrier let go and then the lab started taking the fox back to the farmers at the earth!! the farmers were taking the piss saying theres no need to run over when the dog will bring it back to you :laugh: :laugh: we seen that lab a few times and it was a cracking animal, even joining in the ratting that we did on the farm one day and holding his own against excellent ratting terriers!!! :thumbs:

Edited by lurcher1
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Have lurchrs gone so far downhill that scenting ability is no longer sought after, I think a Lab has a lot more to offer than just its scenting ability, I remember 1 a very very long time ago used as a terriermans dog for bolters and awkward customers at the end of the dig, he was a lot better at his job than a lot of the bull xs that are about today

of course not!!! a lurchers job is to kill what it sees and will/does/can use its nose in the process! but seriously how much "nose" does a lurcher need??? if they are hot on the scent trail of a hare with there nose down and the hare jumps up 100 meters away would you be annoyed that the dog missed the hare because its to focused on the scent??? its all hypothetical though and for every theory out there, there will be a dog to prove it wrong ;):thumbs:

lurcher 1 surely if your dog scenting and its nose is to the ground and something gets up 100 yards away and doesnt see it all you do is shout and the dog sees it and the chase is on atb

read the last sentance :victory:

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We are 6 pages into this thread and i am still yet to hear of anything other than good reports of them? Anyone currently breeding them or have done in the past? ATB Andy. ;)

andy i had an old friend who has since long gone rip mick , he bred a few litters to the whippet x grey , grews from bilko lines , weoften had trips far up north and he used to take his wee bitch she was ok decent enoughanimal. what i would say to those who are rambling about nose this that , a good animal can virtually predict when the game his about to rise in some case being snapped up before its got a going , the love of water his a passed on to the hybrid also wich his another plus . Iwoulfd think it may be difficult to find any one breeding these lines or f1s maybe some one ought there who knows , good luck in your search atb bunnys.

bunnys you say for those who are rambling on about noses whats that meant to mean and for a dog to predict a animal is getting up 100yards away nd snapping it up must be some dog sorry went up twice atb Edited by nothernlite
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