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Don`t do it for free mate.

ALL beaters should get paid, and get some birds to take, and get some invites to shoot days, and get some free grub on the beating day!!


Don`t encourage the tight swines !! hahahahaha


Hell you dont want much do you....

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Don`t do it for free mate.

ALL beaters should get paid, and get some birds to take, and get some invites to shoot days, and get some free grub on the beating day!!


Don`t encourage the tight swines !! hahahahaha


Hell you dont want much do you....



Well, thats what I get , so why not ? I mean , why would you beat for free, for loads of guys who can easily afford a syndicate place,

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  • 4 weeks later...

My beaters are well paid as well, get one beaters day and a meal on shoot days. They do not go about with a them and us Atitude though and come to enjoy there day as much as the paying guns do.


May be i am just lucky in having a good team of beaters around me because i wouldnt want anybody coming here just for the money.

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I never do it for the money. I don`t need it


For me it`s the crack and the days at the end of the year. I enjoy my beating and we have a good crack with the guns, no matter how rich and seriously posh they are !


But the beaters should still get paid.

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