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photos of eggs whats the law

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every one asks what u get up to when the seasons over well how many ov you still have the urge to to forage for birds nests when walking your dogs .not taking eggs but taking photos ov eggs in thier nest is it against the law atb :hmm:

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You can apply to Natural England or Countryside Council for Wales for a Licence to photograph birds nests, you will need to list each species and give good reason for doing so. I was issued a licence to photograph a Goshawk nest a couple of years ago. The crazy thing is, you could stand near any nest and look at it, and be perfectly within the law, but as soon as you point a camera at it, your breaking the law. You could even take your family and have a picnic just meters away from a nest and make as much noise as you want, completely disturbing the nest and your not falling foul of any law at all, but leave the camera at home!

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You only need a licence if the birds have special protection under schedule 1 of the wildlife & countryside act. But even when photographing other species of bird or their nest, care should be taken not to disturb them otherwise that could be deemed an offence.

This explains things fairly clearly: http://www.birdimages.co.uk/files/documents/BIRDPHOT_tcm5-43180.pdf

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watch out for the bird watches I've herd there hard as f**k if they see what your up to they will have u worse than game keepers lol :)


You're not talking about this on by any chance?....................................















:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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