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17 hmr zeroing problems

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Gareth. You say that you zero it and then when you get it out each time, it is off either left or right.


Are you then rezeroing it each time?


If you are, then you could be adjusting for a positional error each time, and chasing the zero.


Faults such as loose screws often result in inconsistent groups, and not necessarily groups in the wrong place. If that makes sense.


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You can still get a tight group in a different position providing you dont move your body (minus your trigger arm when reloading)

well ive got one and mines alright

well thanks for everyones help but it turned out to be the scope i tried zeroing it in on lowest mag and got it set then changed it to full 24x mag and the point of impact changed so i tried it the ot

use a propper copper solvent in the barrel as a rod throught after 50 shots will only remove the loose crap not the copper in the rifleing. how many shots are you using to re zero is the barrel getting hot, when its hot can you still get a piece of paper between the forestock and the barrel. next time you do it dont rezero put it away and try it again later, if its still identical its not you its the gun.

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  On 01/05/2012 at 21:38, garethmarfell1985 said:

yeah 16 inch

In that case, I'd check that the barrel is completely free-floating. If not, sand out enough stock material to make sure that the barrel has zero contact whatsoever with the stock.

Im not a betting man, but I'd bet this sorts out your windage zero shift problem.

I had exactly the same problem on a 452 varmint in .22.




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thanks for everybodys replies. i have been to the local gun shop today where i bought the gun and he has told me that it is becuase i have been zeroing in with the scope at full 24x magnification and then when i zoom back out it changes but if i set it at the minimum 6x mag then it should then work at whaterver zoom after or the other option is to spend £500 and upwards on a decent scope which makes these alterations automaticly when you zoom has anyone heard of this before

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  On 02/05/2012 at 17:41, garethmarfell1985 said:

thanks for everybodys replies. i have been to the local gun shop today where i bought the gun and he has told me that it is becuase i have been zeroing in with the scope at full 24x magnification and then when i zoom back out it changes but if i set it at the minimum 6x mag then it should then work at whaterver zoom after or the other option is to spend £500 and upwards on a decent scope which makes these alterations automaticly when you zoom has anyone heard of this before

im not as technically minded as some on here but i would have thought magnification altered magnification not poa :hmm:
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I have heard of this with second focal plane scopes but have not experienced it.


One of my early Instructors always used to insist that the scope should be zeroed at max magnification to prevent this, plus we always shoot at max mag, unless sub 50.

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Take the rifle out, zero it, take it home, don't rod it with a brush, just push an alcohol patch through followed by dry patch and then an oiled patch. Put it away after wiping the outside with oil. Next shoot put an alcohol patch through followed by a couple of dry ones to remove any traces of oil and shoot it. Tell us if its on zero.

Edited by stillair1
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You can test the theory from the gunshop about the reticle shifting when booming in and out, by rezeroing the rifle on low mag, chocking the rifle so that it can't move, and then zooming in to max mag. If its true, then the scope is at fault, but I will be surprised if it is off.


If this was happening then your rounds would always go off one way. I think he speaks with forked tounge.

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check alls tight, mounts rings, make sure, if you have bi pod fitted check that its the nut for attaching it too is not through the stock at fore end,


Is action tight within the stock,


Was the rifle bought new or second hand, ??? cleaning routine good, copper routine when cleaning...?


if all these are done and there is still a problem, and a different shooter has same trouble its internal scope issues i may think



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  On 01/05/2012 at 20:40, garethmarfell1985 said:

hello, i have got a cz455 varmint thumbhole in 17hmr over the last month i have zeroed it 6 times at 100 metres every time i get it crack on, put it back in a hard case take it straight home and put it away never bumping it but then the next time i come to get it back out again the sights have gone out again by 3 to 4 inches so no small amount and no wind where i am setting it.


i have tried two brand new scopes so have ruled that out.


i am using the same hornandy v-max ammo


when it goes out it still groups well, just in the wrong place and it is usually left or right and not up and down. i have tried with the mod on and off the gun but it still groups in roughly the same place, it is only a cheap sirrocco mod but have also tried my mates sac which still puts it in same place.


and i have put the rod through and kept it clean


any ideas please cause i am running out


cheers gareth



When I bought my CZ exactly the same as yours I had the very same problem. I went through most suggestions already made here and even sanded down the stock a bit as the barrel was not totally free floating. When I had the gun stripped I noticed buy chance that the barrel had a very slight movement. I took out the grub screws and refitted the barrel making sure that it was totally tightened. Since doing that I have consistent sub 1" groups exactly where I want it to hit at 100 yards.


I hope this helps, good luck.

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do you take the mod off at the end of each session if so I would check there as if your round is just touching a baffle on exiting this would cause this problem as the mod will not go back in the same place when it is put back of I had this problem with mine so I now leave it on take the mod apart and check for anything that is not quite right it could be a slither on the edge of one of the baffles. I also noticed you say you clean your barrel after each session or 50 rounds all I can say is dont leave it for a bit longer some barrels really dont like to be to clean. I have not cleaned my target rifle for nearly 500 rounds and still score around 98 99. I have not read all the posts so if you sorted the problem or this has been suggested then sorry

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