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2 Pregnant Jills In The Same Hutch ?

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Alright lads, just wondering, iv got 2 jills im breeding off this year and want to know if they would both have and raise kit in the same hutch without there being too much trouble ?


If it can be done then all good but just want to know you're experiences on it.

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Its not recomended and most people will say that it cant be done that they will eat them but i had 2 jills and a hob in a big hutch and they had kits and i left them in and the two jills wouldnt let the hob near so i removed him and the pair of them nursed the kits together and did a real job I havnt tried it since to be truthfull and I could of been just lucky but I have heard of outhers doing it with succsess.

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Mate i have kept two jills in the past in the same hutch and they raised litters together no problem for years.But last year i done the same thing with two different jills and ended up loosing 6-7 kits in the first day or two untill i separated them.The two jills tried to make their own nests and were constantly scrapeing up the wood shavings and suffocating the new born kits. It has worked for me in the past keeping them together but didnt last year. Give it a go if they are birthing at the same time but keep a close eye or you could loose some mate.

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