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fair enough, i usually do 4 up untill 12 weeks, 3 up untill 6 months, 2 untill a year and then 1 from then onwards. this sound about right to everyone?? its always worked for me


Thats about right mate, although it does depend on the individual dog. I usually feed as you do and its worked for me with the whippets mate.

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I fed my bitch 3 meals up Untill 15-16months ,up to 12months I added one scoop of bone powder shit..but now she's on two meals a day, and that how itl stay unless she goes out etc..get as much grub into them as possible..with a smaller dog I wouldn't feed as much as I do with her..she's a big lass lol

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I have often found that pups of 7 weeks plus don't really clean up their food properly if fed 4 times a day: most of mine have been down to three meals a day by 8 weeks, and 2 meals a day by 12-16 weeks. This has been their choice, not my imposed regime. If I find that a puppy is picking at one of its meals then I leave that meal out, which means that it is ready for the meal after. I've certainly found this since feeding raw: raw meat and bones seem to satisfy them for longer and they need to eat less in terms of bulk and weight than they do when eating cereal based foods.

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Spot on skycat..since iv had her eating raw meat, bones ,bread and eggs oh and occasionally pasta mixed in she doesn't eat as much as when she was having biscuits and tripe..iv now stopped pasta and the last week or so she piling on the weight lol she's starting to look fuller and not so ropey looking , she still eats like a horse though

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