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The longer version ,lol goes like this .Tuesday evening i decided to have a look over one of my furthest permissions and took RC along as hes as keen as .The first field held a brace of does that skipped through the hedge to the next field ,not spooked by us i might add but playfull it seemed .The next field saw the reason why .A young buck was chasing a young doe up the far hedge and they in turn had brought the other two through that we were watching.This time of year i find is full of chasing and sizing up so nothing new going on here .The young spiker chased all three through a gap to the far left and off the ground but not to worry as he will keep .On up around the boundary we came across the scrapings of a mature buck and the fraying of the hedge nearby ,the territory marking of hopefully the same buck i saw last year , he was good then but still young . The top fields here are all in a line ,accessed from a big field just below so it was a stealthy look in each before finally seeing movement in the last one .A doe came out the hedge at maybe 260 yds away followed by a four point buck.We ducked out of sight and peered around the gateway to watch events .They both started feeding so we crept in as low as pos ,resulting to a crawl as the ground rose slightly .We were out in the open but by moving forward when they both fed we closed the gap to just over 100 yds .The ditch bank here allowed for a shot off pod so RC steadied his breathing before loosing off a 100 grainer from my .243 .The truth is the shot was a bit low and the buck walked a bit before sitting down ,getting up then doing the same .The doe however was still feeding happily .had she gone off then he may have taken a bit of finding but luck was with us here .I could see he was fading so we sat tight for a while until his head went down and stayed down .Went forward ,preparing to take another shot off sticks but he was dead with a low chest shot .Having seen my fair share of shot reactions ,im glad we stayed put for a bit ,allowing him to bleed out .A 4 pointer from last year id say .

Edited to say RC made a good job of the gralloch which hopefully wont be his last .


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