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mouch about today

Guest elstudro1986

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Guest elstudro1986

went out for a mouch today over to my permission in hexham aint been for about 6 months and boy how things have changed....rabbits all over the place even found a field we didnt no we were allowed on there is a nice fresh charlie set...in a hill just under the tree line.

my new pup was mint today followed me all over only wandered off once as she tried to course a chicken which i was chuffed with due to her only been 10 weeks old :D ... my 15 month old terrier has finally started marking sets :clapper:

bought a new air rifle yesterday so took it up to set the scopes air arms tx 220 with full ox kit in it ment to have round aboud 15 ft lb so its not bad i suppose,, got 4 crows in about 30 mins


all in all it was a nice day out and a nice walk for the dogs and had fun with the air rifle going back over tomorrow more prepared with the ferrets terrier my lurcher pup and my mates 1st cross collie greyhound if alls well will do his dog on the lamp we ll see


have taken pics of today and of my new pup was ment to post some yesterday but couldnt find usp lead then i remembered the dog chewed it up a couple of weeks ago so will get a new one tomorrow



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went out for a mouch today over to my permission in hexham aint been for about 6 months and boy how things have changed....rabbits all over the place even found a field we didnt no we were allowed on there is a nice fresh charlie set...in a hill just under the tree line.

my new pup was mint today followed me all over only wandered off once as she tried to course a chicken which i was chuffed with due to her only been 10 weeks old :D ... my 15 month old terrier has finally started marking sets :clapper:

bought a new air rifle yesterday so took it up to set the scopes air arms tx 220 with full ox kit in it ment to have round aboud 15 ft lb so its not bad i suppose,, got 4 crows in about 30 mins


all in all it was a nice day out and a nice walk for the dogs and had fun with the air rifle going back over tomorrow more prepared with the ferrets terrier my lurcher pup and my mates 1st cross collie greyhound if alls well will do his dog on the lamp we ll see


have taken pics of today and of my new pup was ment to post some yesterday but couldnt find usp lead then i remembered the dog chewed it up a couple of weeks ago so will get a new one tomorrow




First off, good luck with the pup mate as i know youve had a bit of stick on here,whether youve deserved it......well ill let others decide,in not here to judge nobody so good luck with it

But secondly,i wouldnt be pleased if my pup coursed a chicken :icon_eek: in my opinion id be trying to break the pup to chickens at this early age,chickens mate should be a big no no for a working lurcher.Think about it.........unhappy farmer,keeper and anybody else who keeps them on a bit of permission you have ;)

And thirdly im hoping youve got a fac with a air rifle shooting over the legal 12ft lb,? if not and your stopped with coppers,theres a good chance youll not see that new pup of yours for a bit mate ;) so as i said earlier good luck with the pup and take this as advice and not a lecture

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Guest elstudro1986

i didnt mean for it to sound like that mate basically what i meant was ................

i am glad that she is trying to course at such a young age and showing interest when i aint started training her yet going to let her settle for a week then start training due to only having her 2 days............


i dont want her on the chickens and aggree it is a big no no! just enjoying the moment thats all mate


and i do have a fac had it for 9 months just dont want a big .22 rifle thats why a got the air rifle


regards mick

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Guest karlos

Ive only had a quick flit through it atm just gained it a few days back ill give the actual place through the week , maybe come down and help me bash these bunnies if ya fancy (Getting my SGC sorted next week so will be testing my new toy out) .. its on a small holding owned by a family in alston , i work with there daughter.

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Guest elstudro1986
elstudro1986, any pics of your famouse pup? :D



alright frank mate got loads of pics on my cam but if you remember a few weeks back sonny/old pup chewed my usp lead up i totally forgot about it was looking for it for hours last night till my lass reminded me on so im going out to a local field with the gun at 4am then when im finished ill go straight out and buy a new lead promisepics on tomorrow


regards mick

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Guest Frank

elstudro1986, any pics of your famouse pup? :D



alright frank mate got loads of pics on my cam but if you remember a few weeks back sonny/old pup chewed my usp lead up i totally forgot about it was looking for it for hours last night till my lass reminded me on so im going out to a local field with the gun at 4am then when im finished ill go straight out and buy a new lead promisepics on tomorrow


regards mick


Ok Mick, looking faward to that. ;)



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i'd second the chicken-breaking... my boy was aquired at 7 months old, from a town home, and had never seen 'stock in his life... breaking him to it has been nigh impossible. he got out on monday & killed one of my neighbours chickens :icon_eek: . luckily they are very understanding. i spent all of monday afternoon ringing round my friends to find another hen for them, which was delivered with a grovelling apology on tuesday morning. but it has now thrown my housing situation into a crisis, as the place i was moving to has a chicken-keeping nextdoor neighbour, and he has a gun... and wouldn't think twice about using it. :no:

looks like i'm moving back in with my parents for the time being :(

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i didnt mean for it to sound like that mate basically what i meant was ................

i am glad that she is trying to course at such a young age and showing interest when i aint started training her yet going to let her settle for a week then start training due to only having her 2 days............


i dont want her on the chickens and aggree it is a big no no! just enjoying the moment thats all mate


and i do have a fac had it for 9 months just dont want a big .22 rifle thats why a got the air rifle


regards mick


Im glad you have a ticket mate,i have to admit i cringed a bit when i read about the air rifle, but no worries,sorry for jumping the gun a bit (no pun intended) :laugh:

As for your pup,start the way you mean to go on,i see your point with the pup showing interest in coursing but dogs are creatures of habit.if chickens are off the menu i would discourage the pup from the start from showing any intrest them.ive had a chicken thief in the past and staying in a rural area can be a bit of a nightmare,makes the dog no better than charlie ;)

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