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I collect big game rounds all the big stuff they ust to shoot lions and elephants with in india and africa


rangeing from .300 calibre up to .700 calibre...big stuff :o


second to that distilling houch with me still :icon_eek:


just getting back in to mountain biking since i got ran over the other year.... :victory:


cheers MILLIE. ;)

Edited by millie
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  mole catcher said:
I do a fair amount of dwarf throwing, its been banned in norfolk as its seen as a little dirogotory to those of us suffering from hight distortion. ;)


ah, it's gone underground now. i know people :big_boss: ... i could teach you the secret handshake, get you into the club B):laugh: Dwile-Flonking & shin-kicking too... it all goes on ;)

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ARRRR :hmm: another dyke jumper from these here parts :victory:


Please note: the term dyke jumping has nothing to do with getting your sexual pleasures from the local bull dyke once youve downed copius amounts of rough cider.



But how do you find dwile-flonking compares to the most traditional of country pursuits.........cow tipping?


or cow pat frizzbies ( mind the moist ones :cry: )


My sisters fathers youngest sons only brother whos married to his mothers eldest daughters 2nd of two brothers is fair good at this here cow tipping. he once tipped 57 cows in one moonlit night. He aint no darn good at strummin the banjo as his 2 left feet get in the way. But he plays a mighty fine twang from his mouth harp.

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  charlotte hill said:
Well, Just started another hobby "BODY PUMP"



I am pumped beyond all recognition :unsure: :whistle: :rofl::shok::laugh:



This is what it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u7YApUiRDw



The Barbells may not look that heavy, but when you are constantly lifting for 1 hour, it bloody hurts :cry::cry:




And tommorow its Body Attack



And Friday Body Combat :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:



3 classes a week.....................................and I'm going to stick with it!!!!Honest :laugh:

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