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Should I get a new pup?as im already running two digs under the age of three ?

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i like allot of lurchers, but i use them for bushing the most so a few dogs helps out, also i waited and left a 3 year gap between my first and second, and then a 3 year gap between my 2nd and 3rd but the 4th came straight after the 3rd haha, but i cant see why you haveto ask on here? surely you know?

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Well like the dogs to do abit of everything ferreting,lamping and bushing etc.... And a opatunity as come to get another pup to bring on this back end. Got the space for one but as most should know that its hard anuf to find work for two dogs.. Unless I get more land to run them,just had some good news though that the litter sibling to my dog is doing really well the best the blokes ever had his quote not mine so fingers crossed ti see how he comes .atb Happy hunting ....

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I've got 3 lurchers,ones only a pup of 5 months the others are 2 and 8,the pup was brought in to take the older dogs place who'll be semi-retiring soon.

Has others have said if you've got the work,kenneling etc for another dog then crack on.

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Guest joball

A lot of dog men prefere quantity over quality but i prefere quality over quantity, the more work you can give a dog the better simple realy when you think about. But most people are happy with average dogs, so each to there own realy.

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I think its very hard to find enough work to test one dog, two dogs is fine as sometimes dogs get injured/seasons etc BUT to own 3 dogs under the age of 3 is madness, if one was nearing retirement i could undrstand it somewhat but what happens in 5 years when you have two dogs coming up for retiremen and one aged 5? Do you get another and then have 4 lurchers? Sometimes despite being offered an amazing prospect (been there and so have my mates) you must behonest with yourself and know to take it on would be a bad move


The sad fact is most dogs aren't given enough work to assess their capabilities and many lads think they ,must be the "real deal" if there kennels are overflowing..........

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