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more rats


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hi lads i cant seem to be able to keep away from my little ratting spot so off i went again last night and as it was lashing down most of the day i think thats the reason there wasnt much about i must be getting on top of the ones feeding at the pheasant feeder as i didnt even see one ,i walked the perimiter of the pen and spotted one that stopped in its tracks as though it knew i was there so not wasting a second i put the cross hairs on its head and squeezed the trigger and it just slumped in its run ,i moved it away in the hope i might see more as the night went on but i didnt see anything.i walked to a pile of manure and could see one scratching about so i crept up and used a pile of wood to help me get in quite close and once again it met its maker and tumbled down landing in a tractor rut that had filled with dirty water so i left it there ,i managed a hit on another soon after but it made good its escape down a hole there wasnt a great deal about and the light was fading so i walked back to the motor where i spotted one running about at the base of the hawthorn hedge and after a short wait and a bit of manouvering i killed it with a clean head shot


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