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ear mites

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Brown muck in a ferrets ear does NOT mean ear mites, don`t go poking in there for no good reason, they can have waxy ears, and if excessive this can be GENTLY cleaned, perhaps with a baby wipe. but be carefull in there, and make sure it is mites before treating them for it.




I have never had to clean out a ferrets lug in 23 yrs mate

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Brown muck in a ferrets ear does NOT mean ear mites, don`t go poking in there for no good reason, they can have waxy ears, and if excessive this can be GENTLY cleaned, perhaps with a baby wipe. but be carefull in there, and make sure it is mites before treating them for it.




I have never had to clean out a ferrets lug in 23 yrs mate


Yes right go and give the vet 35 quid for him to tell you yes it's earmites ????? Then give you some crap for another twenty ,??? Just get the anti paracite from the pet shop , if left untreated ear mites can be unpleasant for ferrets they loose there balance and go down hill , so I wouldn't hang about will cost you 4.50 at the petshop job done ,

Edited by Jamie m
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has been said gently clean out with baby wipe but still give a dose of beafor this his only ivomectin in the right dosage for ferrits and small animals worm then]m kills most p atb bunnys.arasites internal and external but not tape worm ,

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Brown muck in a ferrets ear does NOT mean ear mites, don`t go poking in there for no good reason, they can have waxy ears, and if excessive this can be GENTLY cleaned, perhaps with a baby wipe. but be carefull in there, and make sure it is mites before treating them for it.




I have never had to clean out a ferrets lug in 23 yrs mate


Yes right go and give the vet 35 quid for him to tell you yes it's earmites ????? Then give you some crap for another twenty ,??? Just get the anti paracite from the pet shop , if left untreated ear mites can be unpleasant for ferrets they loose there balance and go down hill , so I wouldn't hang about will cost you 4.50 at the petshop job done ,

Who said anything about a vet ?? do you read?

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Brown muck in a ferrets ear does NOT mean ear mites, don`t go poking in there for no good reason, they can have waxy ears, and if excessive this can be GENTLY cleaned, perhaps with a baby wipe. but be carefull in there, and make sure it is mites before treating them for it.




I have never had to clean out a ferrets lug in 23 yrs mate

This is good advice mate I myself have never had to clean ferrets ears out either,its a dangerous place to piss around,
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Brown muck in a ferrets ear does NOT mean ear mites, don`t go poking in there for no good reason, they can have waxy ears, and if excessive this can be GENTLY cleaned, perhaps with a baby wipe. but be carefull in there, and make sure it is mites before treating them for it.




I have never had to clean out a ferrets lug in 23 yrs mate


Yes right go and give the vet 35 quid for him to tell you yes it's earmites ????? Then give you some crap for another twenty ,??? Just get the anti paracite from the pet shop , if left untreated ear mites can be unpleasant for ferrets they loose there balance and go down hill , so I wouldn't hang about will cost you 4.50 at the petshop job done ,

So true some of our's had ear mites a few months ago used beaphar ferret spot on and now thankfully all gone it also treats any fleas etc
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