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frank bruno on piers morgan

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He is basically a lad off the street , who came across straight off the cuff thats why i think the British public took too him , they said he is a gentle giant and thats how i saw him , it said he is back getting help i wish the bloke all the best !

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None of us are medical experts but sometimes its not difficult to see where a problem begins and ends......only that Frank would rather take a dig than give one will he not come out with certain things that will put his kids in an awkward position,and wouldnt we all do the same......and for me that shows a good unselfish very classy guy of far higher values than most.

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Always liked him and like him even more after that program i think you would be hard pushed to find a more genuine type of bloke than our Frank and wish him all the luck in the world in his future life and his battle with mental illness.

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hes one of those fellas you just like,,,,sounds a bit gay i know,,, but what a physique he had on him,, naturaly gifted im shure but somthing he worked hard on as well,,,,


a real nice fella :thumbs:

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Mal you gotta chill man lifes too short,lol.I thought he was a very modest ordinary bloke.He didnt speak as freely as he could have though I thought.You could see him cringing when Morgan asked him how much money he made in his career.Its a hell of a battle to get on top of mental issues,I have a family member that is long term disabled from the same complaint,Credit to the man for fighting his way back to normality.

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A genuine guy with a big heart. It only goes to show, even people who have earned millions are struck by the same afflictions sometimes as a guy who's earned pennies. Your health is a precious thing, be it physical health or mental health, lose it and you've lost everything, theres many a terminally ill multi millionaire out there who'd give every penny to be healthy again i'm sure. Me personnally, i have my health, so class myself a very fortunate man. Frank Bruno deserves all the praise and support he gets, he's not on his own.


All the best Frank :thumbs:





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