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Guest elstudro1986

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Guest elstudro1986

me and our lass got a dog minature jacky when he was 6 weeks old he is now 15 months and lately he is shit scared of me, and he will run after anything that moves and try to bite it I.E human-car-dog you name it he will have a go at it


i think he is scared of me due to him being our lasses lap dog all this time and me telling him off when ever he does out wrong but for him going for objects dont no were this has come from has been going on for about 6 months


i have been told to try and work him let his prey bite him and let him get his aggression out on them but i wil be honest i have bred rats and rabbits since we have had him and he is just not bothered by them................. ANY IDEAS oh and plus he is funny with his food will not eat any form of meat cooked or raw the only thing he will eat is cat biscuits?? if you give him any form of meat he will just roll in it!!!!!!!!!!!

he is only 11"to the shoulder but is a bad little bxxxxxd


what can i do and where does his aggression come from his dam and sire were both pets owned by an old couple


thanks in advance for and advice

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start soaking the cat biscuits, a bit more water each time. so, they're kinda crunchy to start with, then softer after a week or so. then try mixing in a little bit of beef mince. gradually add more over the course of a week. he'll soon get used to it.

or go for the quick approach... don't feed him for a day or two, then give him some mince. if he's hungry enough, he'll eat anything!

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Guest Lurcherbitch
Start feeding the feisty little fecker on peeled plum tomato's.. ;) .. then go hug the nearest oak tree..




My Lurcher started getting a bit arsy so i did this very thing....and it worked. My neighbour wasnt too pleased as i was naked and it was midnight and the tree is in her garden :icon_eek: But i say if your going to do somet do it propper :D .

Any my pup is a delight to be around now...so thanks Millet.xx :victory::laugh:

The only problem now is every time i cook a full english my pup goes nuts for the tomato's. :whistle:

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All dogs are fear based especially terriers and I think being a lap dog is the main reason for his behaviour. It could also be down to how well it was socialised as a puppy, if it was a lap dog from the start then it may not have encountered other things and situations. Therefore he is terrified of everything including you.


The best way to earn a dogs trust is through food. Treats, even if you have to use cat buiscuts :laugh:

For example take him on lead to a parked car, and before he gets syked up give him treats, praise him in a calm voice so that he feels comfortable. If he is not food motivated use a fluffy toy, pretty much anything to distract him from the feared object. If this does not work there are many other thechniques which will teach him to trust the feared objects. If you do not want him to fear you, find an alternative punishment. for example rather than shout put him in a crate or put him in another room for a minute or two, and when hes calm let him back in. Dogs are social animals and do not like to be alone. This will be a punishment for him, that won't frighten him.


This is my advice being a dog trainer. Hope it helps! :)

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me and our lass got a dog minature jacky when he was 6 weeks old he is now 15 months and lately he is shit scared of me, and he will run after anything that moves and try to bite it I.E human-car-dog you name it he will have a go at it


i think he is scared of me due to him being our lasses lap dog all this time and me telling him off when ever he does out wrong but for him going for objects dont no were this has come from has been going on for about 6 months


i have been told to try and work him let his prey bite him and let him get his aggression out on them but i wil be honest i have bred rats and rabbits since we have had him and he is just not bothered by them................. ANY IDEAS oh and plus he is funny with his food will not eat any form of meat cooked or raw the only thing he will eat is cat biscuits?? if you give him any form of meat he will just roll in it!!!!!!!!!!!

he is only 11"to the shoulder but is a bad little bxxxxxd


what can i do and where does his aggression come from his dam and sire were both pets owned by an old couple


thanks in advance for and advice

I would let you lass take him out and let her work him and then you be ther to praise him when he gets it right i think this would then start building your bond back up with him and stop him getting up on the lap at nights he only comes up when he is asked and not when he wants to!

As for the food thing starve him for 24 hours and then give him a small amount to eat with what you are going to feed him give him 5 mins to eat it if he dosent then take it up and try him an hour later keep this up and i think he will soon get the message mate.his helps

As for car and person chasing i would lead him up every time he pulls to chase what you don't want him to stop and say no then as he does as he is told praise him this i think you could do as again this would build back the trust element. I am no dog trainer but i hope this helps mate


Edited by poppy1
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