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Liars or am I doing something wrong?

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Seems to me you speak the most sense on this thread Paul. Thanks to the ignore facility, I'm missing the worst of it lol!

Winchester super x subs have always been the most consistant I have used. They will hit out to silly distances but like all subs they will not do it regularly and with consistant accuracy, the toleran

and most of all, those that boast the most, normally do the least

If you read it I said someone could do 140 yrds no mention of the magpie sorry I had a few beers and thought you ment a inch group at 140. Sorry

Here's one for you. I can shoot rounds into lets say a fifty pence piece out to about 80 meters from my .22lr, the closer I get to my target the closer the grouping at 50 meters inside say something like a 10p piece or smaller. But past 90 well dodgy and at a 100 forget it, but I continue to hear of people hitting 1 inch groups out to a hundred plus am I listening to bullsh*t or can this be done?



the video is made for the minority of people who think i have been telling porkies and to provide a direct answer to the original question of the thread:

here is the u tube video of me my .22lr a bipod and 100 yards. made today 02 05 12.


there was a little wind which took the group to the right. i did not account for the wind in this shooting experiment. i also aimed high by 0.1 of a mill dot as the half mill dot on my rectical was used as an aim point. real aim point for 100y on my setup is -2.4mill dots. i used -2.5mill dots for ease of aiming in this experiment. i just wanted to demonstate the grouping. barrel was cleaned just before. eley sub hollow points used. 18.5 inch barrel. air gun mod. hawke panorama 4-12 x50 ev half mill dot used £148 from bagnal and kirkwood - great dealer.




Edited by riflehunter583
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I have watched the video and I commend you on your shooting any animal would be dead no doubt top man!!!!! If I were measuring my five shots I would have drawn a one inch square and tried to get all five shots in it, maybe we'll have to agree to disagree on the way groups are measured. That said I wouldn't like to be a rabbit in your scope, and how f*****g quite is your gun I like that I like it a lot.

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Nice group at that range Rifleman! What rifle is it?

And well done for proving the naysayers wrong without getting childish and resorting to name-calling. A good shot and a gentleman.


I reckon I'll crack on and upgrade my current rimmie- never did get on with it lol! Not that semi-autos were ever able to match a good bolt action in the accuracy stakes.

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good grouping looking at your group with the tape your group was about 3/4 inch. if people are struggling to work out there group centre draw a circle round the group then measure from aim point going across to the centre of the circle then measure up to the centre of the circle this will give you your true point of impact using what I have said, point of impact was 1/2 inch high 3/4 inch right so for people that dont no to bring that group so its point of impact is on point of aim on a 1 click = 1/4 inch you would now at a 100 yards turn your turret 2 clicks down and 3 maybe 4 clicks left I know the wind was slight so if inside with know wind it may not be quite so much I know many people just aim off target to allow for wind but if you done this daily that is what you would do. I guess if you sighting in do it indoors if you can or on a day with no wind maybe impossible in the uk. There maybe different ways but this is my way and it works for me.

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Here is a pic of one of my targets I shoot the targets are meant to be shoot at 25 yards but I was having some fun at fifty yards and trying some bits out with my shoulder and head may not mean much to most unless you target shoot the centre is the size of a 1 pence coin the top left shot went low as I pushed my shoulder harder in to the stock.


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If these come out as described you can also use these at the given distances to calculate your drop of the bullet over a given distance by just counting the squares and adding them up or by looking at how many clicks you need to turn enter this on to your turret and then turn it to correspond to the distance, no need to hold over then but make sure the distance you sight in at is zero on the turret. I will up load a pic of this soon as it is hard to describe.

35 yard sighting target

50 yard sighting target

75 yard sighting target

hundred yards

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thanks for the nice coments chaps.


its a browning 52 target rifle .22lr with cut down barrel and threaded unf.


brought it from the countryman of derby the dealer got it from a bankrupt dealer as second hand i paid 399 for it and he gave me £100 for my anshutz semi auto in exchange at the time. he reconds its got more levers in the trigger than he has ever seen on a gun. standard trigger is awsome on it made in japan. japanese engineering.

had a look at a mannlicher the other day in .243. the trigger needs to be pushed forward for the hair trigger setting. thats the only trigger i have come accross personnel which is better than the one on my .22 IMO. having a good trigger makes a big different IMO.


the mod is a custom job from a chap who works out of his garage between mansfield and lincon way £50!


the eley subs seem to work just as good through it as the eley match rounds for half the price.


the barrel is flawless and i clean often with bits of an old towel and some washing line as a pull through!


i'm chuffed to bits: such a humble round in such a low cost gun can deliver ok result. enabling me to keep my eye in. i hope when i get a centre fire groups will be even tighter.

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