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Beauty of the country.

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It's not everyday you get to sit, walk around, stand, lie and in the end sulk in amazing countryside, but yesterday I got that exact opportunity!!


Took the HW 77 to the farm and spent the first hour of my time there plinking and adjusting for the blustery but sunny conditions.


Starting off at the top and gradually making my way down a rabbit infested hedgeline at optimum rabbiting hours, with pauses for up to 2 hours to go static and zip, nothing, nadda, nil poi, not one shot!!


In fact I only saw one rabbit in the whole 5 hours, where last week there were 4 - 7 rabbits at a time outside several warrens! The one rabbit came dashing out about 6 yards ahead of me whilst I was static, saw the glint from my scope and disappeared before I shouldered the HW 77.


It was amazing, fresh dung, tufts of fur, obvious signs of fresh scraping, freshly chewed winter wheat shoots, but only one rabbit


Eventually I saw the possible cause of the absenteism, a handsome young and very healthy looking fox, so already a bit bored I set out some flints at 5 meter intervals from 10 out to 40 yards paced and spent a pleasant 45 minutes going up and down the line plinking them in no particular order.


Hey, that's shooting I guess, taking the good with the bad and all that!

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Nothing wrong with a bit of plinking, its where springers come into their own :thumbs:



thats what i miss about the springers when the goings slow you can plink away without a care in the world

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