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I am sure this has been done to death in the past but I would be interested in views on the best complete food, including value for money. I am currently feeding James Wellbeloved following a recommendation by one of my vets. I also feed raw meet and supplements. the JW is flippin pricey and I am sure there are foods of equal or better qaulity out there at more sensible prices? At the moment my lurcher pup is 9 months and will be starting work shortly. I will also need a 'senior' variety for my two veterans :thumbs:



Edited by omegathelast
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I am sure this has been done to death in the past but I would be interested in views on the best complete food, including value for money. I am currently feeding James Wellbeloved following a recommendation by one of my vets. I also feed raw meet and supplements. the JW is flippin pricey and I am sure there are foods of equal or better qaulity out there at more sensible prices? At the moment my lurcher pup is 9 months and will be starting work shortly. I will also need a 'senior' variety for my two veterans :thumbs:




I can only give you my personal opinion , I have 2 middle aged greyhounds , there simply living out there retirment here with me, I swapped them both from dry food to a mainly raw chicken diet about 2 yrs ago & I am more than pleased with how they look


I wouldnt feed dry now , I dont have to worry about to much protein & additives etc or switching to a senior food, I dare say some of the '' premiem'' dry foods are good but for me its not the cost of the food its the fact that they look better & smell less & poo very little

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Price isn’t always the best determinate of quality, I used Dr johns for years and the dogs did very well, there is the standard which would do for the oldster and the gold for the younger one.

These days I use Skinners which is a little more expensive but in truth the dogs don’t look any better or worse.

I’d see what suits your dogs and your purse by getting a small bag of your choice and adding gradually, if they do ok then the food is ok.

Add your meat plus some veg but bear in mind that the completes are already supplemented so I’d leave out from adding any more vitamin/mineral supplements.

There’s a lot write about how bad completes are but there’s a lot of dogs out there doing very well on them.

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Switched to csj about a month ago and the dogs look very good on it. I emailed the woman who makes it and she sent me 2 sacks to try . Only use when raw is thin on the ground but will defiantly be using it in the future. A fraction of the cost of jw .

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