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Maddox Rules!!!!!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:laugh: This guy is just Too Much! I've got his site in my " Stuff " folder, where I keep the sites I like to get back to, time permitting. He doesn't add to it every day, not even every month. But, when he does, it can be well worth catching!


I just popped in there and found he'd posted something new. Top of the list there; " Nine Things I Learned ...."


Treat yeselves. Take a look. Only, Pleeease: Take ye time and read what he's on about there. It'll get ye into his way of thinking. And it'll prepare ye for the very last item. The one I've just sat here and quietly read down to. Then I read it. Then I cracked up Completely! People; I needed a f*ckin tissue! :laugh:


Take ye time. Enjoy. And if ye don't agree with him? Ye Wrong!



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So, is Maddox a bird or a puff ?, if its a mincer, the thought of it putting a smile on my face with some 'lube' just don't do it Ditchy. :o:cry:


Interesting reading though, i work for an American company and you can just see the shite dribbling from every advert. :yes:

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LOL I've been a fan of Maddox for years now. His earlier stuff's much funnier (like busting the hip on the old bitch across the street when his gf changed the oil in his car?)...


Since he stopped being a nerd/gimp and got a girlfriend, he has slipped a bit imho. Still funny tho :D He brought a book out recently Ditch, have you seen it? The Alphabet of Manliness - Amazon sells it.

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