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One for tonight

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Well, visited the permission at 7.15am this morning and after a 20 minute stalk from 80m down to 45 was spotted at the last minute by the two rabbits I had my eye on. Nothing else showed up.


Not to be deterred I popped back tonight at 6.30pm. Earlier that afternon I'd nipped into town and picked up a tin of Accupell to try in the HW100. After a quick zero and 'leading up' session I led in wait 30m from one of the rabbit hot spots. 45mins passed and it got to 7.50pm when a rabbit appeared 65m to my right. Considering it may be my only opportunity and after watching this rabbit for 20mins I decided to go for the stalk. This was a bit of a risk as it involved closing down 25m in the middle of a wide open field with no cover. Relying only on slow movements, regular breaks and my Jack Pyke headnet and gloves i closed the distance and took a 40m prone shot from the bipod.


I heard the usual 'soft pop noise' associated with a well placed .22 shot to the head and the rabbit rolled onto its side with only two small leg twitches. Result! The plinking and familiarisation session with the Accupell's paid off and the 1.5 mildot holdover was perfect.




Cleaned up and offered to the landowner who greatfully accepted and offered me a glass of wine with him and his wife.

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Its such a small, open permission you don't really have any other option that to hide in wait :) Luckily in my experience I've found it to be the most efficient form of rabbit control anyway

Edited by Elliott
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Nipped back out tonight and managed to bag another 3 rabbits, the first two of which were quite literally one after another, both taken at 40m. Unfortunately my phone battery (and the light!) went after I shot the third so wasn't able to take the final picture. The second rabbit (seen here in the picture) regretfully turned out to be a heavily pregnant doe which was a shame. Think I'll concentrate on the corvid population until the rabbits have finished breeding.



Edited by Elliott
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