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Firearms licence question

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i asked the police years ago about my firearms cert explaining i had no land but was thinking of pest control the coppa said the question is do you have a good enough reason to own one put your buisness plan to the rife arms department and all relavent documentaion and they will access the aplication if they think the cause for a fire arms cert was viable they would grant one.


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i asked the same last year when i applied for mine bein self employed doin pest control i wanted it for work, they told me unless i had contracts in place to use the rimfire then i would not get it, unless i put i wanted it for work and own use and had to supply land? but maybe different in youre area

Edited by rickardo
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things look like they have changed now from when i wanted one this was about three fours years ago now

but maybe it is diffferent up these parts i dont know, as i never got round to appliying i would still like to start my own pest control but the thing is now there is lots of guys that do it or simply get permission for nothing.

i might have had a great opertunity years Ago as a friends brother owned lots of land and woods but his brother stabbed me in the back about personal family stuff so never talked to him since then

but i know he had plenty of contacts that could have put me in the driving seat for vermin control and a fire arms cert.

But i stick by my principles familys worth more than my certs so dipped out


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as a full time pest controller, I still needed permission on one patch to get my cert, they way I did it was to other a customer who I was baiting for rats at his house, but also owned large area of land, if he signed paperwork, then his other work would be free of charge, that way he got something out of it,

as a pestie I did ask for an open ticket on 1st application, showing I had good reason, along with countless other certifications from work, they not only gave me it open, but also passed it to contain wording, humainly dispatch any animal

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