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gob smacked !

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at least he was all camoed up looking like a ... hunter ... that should be responsible.???!

if it was a group of chavs pointing crappy chinese rifles at people drinking an shouting then there may be a concern for public saftey or whatever.


if i was walking past id have not been worried about getting shot so id have left him to it



thats just my oppinion tho :whistling:

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I'm a great believer in if you buy an air rifle you should know the laws attributed to it along with General License,Public Liability Etc.That way you know what's right and wrong yourself and for others.If you think someone's in the wrong you don't have to be a " grass" or "snitch" you just have to report it to the Police who will log it.If they want to deal with the situation its up to them but at least you've done your bit.Carrying an air rifle in public is no different than walking round with a samurai sword or kitchen knife.

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hello Boys and Girls,


Well its another one of these type posts :laugh: , well I can see both point that run through the heart of this thread. Moreover the fact he was trespassing OK is wrong and reporting him is a valid point and should protect the general public. However I can also see the image of the sport is important, the more land owners see this more they refuse rights, people get fussy and life is hard; but who can honestly say they have not taken a shot which was questionable (by this mean every shot has potential to go wrong, its only experience which reduces risk) or shot a bunny which was just the other side of the fence of you boundary? he without sin cast the first stone :victory: .... I personally would say if you felt he was a threat and he looked reckless then report him else I am sure he will get his just deserved in time.





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  On 16/04/2012 at 12:06, Elmer_Fudd said:

hello Boys and Girls,


Well its another one of these type posts :laugh: , well I can see both point that run through the heart of this thread. Moreover the fact he was trespassing OK is wrong and reporting him is a valid point and should protect the general public. However I can also see the image of the sport is important, the more land owners see this more they refuse rights, people get fussy and life is hard; but who can honestly say they have not taken a shot which was questionable (by this mean every shot has potential to go wrong, its only experience which reduces risk) or shot a bunny which was just the other side of the fence of you boundary? he without sin cast the first stone :victory: .... I personally would say if you felt he was a threat and he looked reckless then report him else I am sure he will get his just deserved in time.





ggod point
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I don't agree with the whole 'image of the sport' argument. :no: Those who oppose hunting animals with air rifles are a different breed than those who would like to see air rifles banned because of dickheads firing them off in city parks and in other non suitable places. The former couldn't give a stuff about air rifles and most of the latter, who are not also ethically opposed to hunting, are sane enough to realise that air rifles used in the correct place are not a danger to public health. There are idiots with permission out hunting and there are idiots without permission out there hunting. No amount of drawing attention to & condemning an idiot on here is going to do air gunning any favours, in fact it's does quite the opposite. Opponents of it will care very little that responsible people on here are condemning the stupidity of the bloke in question, they'll be more bothered by the fact that people are out there where they perhaps shouldn't be in the first place.. JMO. :thumbs:

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If logic is applied.....i would suggest he was going about his buisness legitamately , would a "chav" invest in a pcp , bipod and camo , I think not , more likely to nick a gun and spend his money on white lightning.


To much is made of these situations , seemingly , even by fellow hunters , its all to easy to "suppose"......but given the evidence I see no real reason to be "gobsmacked"

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  On 19/04/2012 at 10:01, mickyatch said:

i get the same mate i train my lab up soutwick quarry and i come across many kids plinking cans and even once saw and oldish chap with a .22 rimfire ! its a joke to get permission but its just no good going on public land !


Doesnt sound like Southwick Quarry has changed much from when I used to shoot there as a kid!!! I thought places like that had wardens on these days to stop this type of behaviour...?

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