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craig nuttal

Guest elstudro1986

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Guest ceredigion bull cross

shouldnt run big mouth then run away [bANNED TEXT] some one tells you straight




OH DEAR....YOU TALKING TO ME???? RUN BIG MOUTH?? YOU AINT HEARD NOWT YET...TELL ME WHAT EXACTLY??? THAT YOU GET A PUP.......NOT VACS IT.......DECIDE LIFE IS A BIT SHIT SO PUT IT(PUP) UN VACS IN POUND???? yEAH TWATTY BLAH............OPPS hope next breeder knows where pup is going & may end up in pound.......... now should we end it here.????

hey what's the crack ................ is it the weather or time of the month :laugh::laugh:

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is craig nuttal any good im picking my new bitch up tomorrow morning and apparently the dad is craig nuttals dog JACK think he was a saluki bull whippet or something and he has bred with a bitch saluki whippet from anfield plain/stanley county durham anyone no anything


cheers mick


i know the lad who has the mother and pups. the bitch is said to be a decent little bitch. nuttals dog is the sire to the pups

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Guest markbrick1

take this as you find it,bloke puts up thread as hes bought a pup out of 2 top class hare killin machines?????????? he doesnt know a lot about lurchers???? but he happens to get one of these? he from what i can gather got rid of his dogs the other wk as he had to move?? well this is bullshit 1 if the parents were that good they would of gone ages ago, and 2 they wouldnt of gone to a messer.mark

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take this as you find it,bloke puts up thread as hes bought a pup out of 2 top class hare killin machines?????????? he doesnt know a lot about lurchers???? but he happens to get one of these? he from what i can gather got rid of his dogs the other wk as he had to move?? well this is bullshit 1 if the parents were that good they would of gone ages ago, and 2 they wouldnt of gone to a messer.mark
well for once i agree with you marbick.... :D but i know the sire is that good how hes getting one i dont fecking know but its certainly wont be through cn .... ;)
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Guest elstudro1986

whats wrong mark you jellous they were only advertised yesterday 1 bitch 2 dogs left and i aint afraid to admit a dont no much and you no nothing about what happened with the last pup i had will post pics later and we will see who is full of shit eh !!!!!!!!!!

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Guest markbrick1

take this as you find it,bloke puts up thread as hes bought a pup out of 2 top class hare killin machines?????????? he doesnt know a lot about lurchers???? but he happens to get one of these? he from what i can gather got rid of his dogs the other wk as he had to move?? well this is bullshit 1 if the parents were that good they would of gone ages ago, and 2 they wouldnt of gone to a messer.mark

well for once i agree with you marbick.... :D but i know the sire is that good how hes getting one i dont fecking know but its certainly wont be through cn .... ;)

what do you mean for once snoops :victory: hey i got a phone call last night to check out 2 farms went today its boiling with em pity your not down closer as i would show you a rabbitin dog mark

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take this as you find it,bloke puts up thread as hes bought a pup out of 2 top class hare killin machines?????????? he doesnt know a lot about lurchers???? but he happens to get one of these? he from what i can gather got rid of his dogs the other wk as he had to move?? well this is bullshit 1 if the parents were that good they would of gone ages ago, and 2 they wouldnt of gone to a messer.mark

well for once i agree with you marbick.... :D but i know the sire is that good how hes getting one i dont fecking know but its certainly wont be through cn .... ;)

what do you mean for once snoops :victory: hey i got a phone call last night to check out 2 farms went today its boiling with em pity your not down closer as i would show you a rabbitin dog mark

ive seen plenty of rabbiting dogs mark ... ;) and ive heard of plenty of good rabbiting dogs.... ;) its this time of year when i hear off big bags....not hard to get a big bag off bellied up bunnies or young uns that are just finding there feet .....or shagged out bucks ... ;):D
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i seen jack last week, bonny looking dog, he is a smooth coated black and tan dog, strongly made, and an all round bonny dog..havn,t seen it run, but lads that have rate him, and the guy who owns him probably wouldn,t keep him if it was shit. he is supposed to be throwing out good pups,

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Guest markbrick1

take this as you find it,bloke puts up thread as hes bought a pup out of 2 top class hare killin machines?????????? he doesnt know a lot about lurchers???? but he happens to get one of these? he from what i can gather got rid of his dogs the other wk as he had to move?? well this is bullshit 1 if the parents were that good they would of gone ages ago, and 2 they wouldnt of gone to a messer.mark

well for once i agree with you marbick.... :D but i know the sire is that good how hes getting one i dont fecking know but its certainly wont be through cn .... ;)

what do you mean for once snoops :victory: hey i got a phone call last night to check out 2 farms went today its boiling with em pity your not down closer as i would show you a rabbitin dog mark

ive seen plenty of rabbiting dogs mark ... ;) and ive heard of plenty of good rabbiting dogs.... ;) its this time of year when i hear off big bags....not hard to get a big bag off bellied up bunnies or young uns that are just finding there feet .....or shagged out bucks ... ;):D

yes i agree snoops ,but you tell the farmers that and next season no permission and no rabbits, as at the moment no trigger happy shooters go on any of my land as we do a good job but tonight iam of with 2 muts and lamp

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i know what you are saying mark i have got two lots of perrmission where it has to be worked all year round despite breeding season or i will lose the permisson but they hold vast amounts of bunnies so as long as we keep them under some sort of control we keep the pemission ..what iam trying to say is nearly any half decent rabbiting dog can get double figures at this time of year its not exsactly hard... ;)

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Guest markbrick1
i know what you are saying mark i have got two lots of perrmission where it has to be worked all year round despite breeding season or i will lose the permisson but they hold vast amounts of bunnies so as long as we keep them under some sort of control we keep the pemission ..what iam trying to say is nearly any half decent rabbiting dog can get double figures at this time of year its not exsactly hard... ;)

well weather was shite but got 37 rabbits and they wernt slow mainly 3 quarter grown i was givin the dogs long slips as well but i will hit the place again on sunday :yes: mark

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