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Pigeon loft

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My father in law has recently started keeping/racing pigeons after a long time away from the sport.


He wants to get a dog to kennel next to the loft to keep on top of the rats and keep away local cats and foxes - his obvious concern is he doesn't want a dog that will bother the birds.


He asked me my opinion and I said I didn't know but would ask on hear. Would a specific breed be good or would any puppy that would be trained/Brocken to the birds be ok?


Any advice would be gratefully recieved



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A terrier wouldnt be my choice , terriers tend to want to kill anything that moves , my russell is mad for birds he chewed a hole in my gate to try and get to the house sparrows my next door neighbour puts food out for

Atb whatever you choose


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whatever breed you want, but get a pup and break him to them like you break them to any other sort of stock. One of the best friends a fancier can have is a terrier kennelled under the loft( assuming your loft is eleveated off the ground lol)

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I'Ve got pigeons and aways had terriers some working bred terriers you can neVer trust them with the birds.

I had a pup that was brought up with the birds got to 6 months old broke in to the shed and killed them all (35)

bar one little lucky on the top perch.

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i race pigeons mate and ive always had a terrier in the garden with the birds my russell ive got now doesnt like them but thats my own fault but ive got a patterdale pup and hes sound with the birds, the best way i always think is walk them round the birds when the birds and dog are young they soon get used to each other and a good little terrier will keep anything away :thumbs:

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i race pigeons mate and ive always had a terrier in the garden with the birds my russell ive got now doesnt like them but thats my own fault but ive got a patterdale pup and hes sound with the birds, the best way i always think is walk them round the birds when the birds and dog are young they soon get used to each other and a good little terrier will keep anything away :thumbs:


And a head strong one can be a liability no matter how you bring them up

I had a black un off ken gould that you could not break to anything

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i race pigeons mate and ive always had a terrier in the garden with the birds my russell ive got now doesnt like them but thats my own fault but ive got a patterdale pup and hes sound with the birds, the best way i always think is walk them round the birds when the birds and dog are young they soon get used to each other and a good little terrier will keep anything away :thumbs:


And a head strong one can be a liability no matter how you bring them up

I had a black un off ken gould that you could not break to anything

i agree with you on that one.one of my bitches i had from a pup, i tried and tried with her she just wanted to kill and did, some of them are just nuts.but iv a russelxpat here out of the same breeding on the pat side.and shes not a bother
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my dad had a we pet russel that used to follow him into the bird loft and when he left the door open she used to go and lie in the loft with the hens sitting on young without anyone watching her never bothered any of the birds and they didn't mind her she was better with the birds than she was with people

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