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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek: " A.S " ????? Tell me That's Not what's become of " Daergi ", surely to f*cking god?! :blink:


'Mind you ..... When I look back to myself in those days? Hair halfway down my back. Fit. .......... Half the f*ckin age I am now! :laugh:


Jeeeezus f*ckin christ, lads! What Has become of us?! We were The Boys. Now ....? :rofl:

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:icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek: " A.S " ????? Tell me That's Not what's become of " Daergi ", surely to f*cking god?! :blink:


'Mind you ..... When I look back to myself in those days? Hair halfway down my back. Fit. .......... Half the f*ckin age I am now! :laugh:


Jeeeezus f*ckin christ, lads! What Has become of us?! We were The Boys. Now ....? :rofl:




:laugh::laugh: Yeah,.life sure moves on mate... :laugh:


Its easy for guys to take the piss,..I used to be the world's fecking worst, didn't I ;)

It goes with the territory,....I understand... :yes:

Daergi went on to be a passionate speaker and a genuine 'mover and shaker' when he worked hard for the Field Sports folk of Wales,..I dug with him a few times and always found him to be a sound , honest, down to earth fellah, with a deep rooted love of real terrier work...Respect to the man...


"Halcyon Days dear reader,.Halcyon Days".... :laugh::laugh:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Ferret Clubs,....who would ever of fecking believed it ?


:laugh::laugh::laugh: F*ckin hell mate! That one made me laugh so hard I had to throw my head back to let it all roar out! :laugh:


Anyway, it was a " Ferreters Society " I ran! Few good people spent a long night and consumed copious quantities ~ even while scanning through dictionaries and a thesaurus! ~ to come up with That little seperation from the herd! ;)


Blimey, Chalks. Those were the days, eh? F*ckin 'ell!


Know what? It's just this minute struck me; None of us has ever produced a bloody son to remember us! When we go, there'll be no one to say, " I remember when my Dad ..... " Or even, " My Dad was ..... ". I wish I'd hung onto the photo's I've had, down the years, mate. I wish even one of my nieces or nephew had stuck around to know me. I'd have liked for someone to have remembered me as ..... who loved his Dogs more than life itself and was always fasinated with traps and catching things. Maybe be able to pull out an old photo.


Oh well. All things being equel, I'll become known as some bloke who - eventually! - put out a rather dry and 'academic' book about a load of traps that people used to use ~ or even never got to ~ some time back in the Old Days. Before the Chinese swarmed west in their all out war against the Muslims.


Naaah. Don't s'pose any of us'll be remembered at all by then mate. But then, so f*ckin what? At least we were there and Lived it, each in his own way. 'Before'. :good:




Anyway, I'm enjoying my 'Night Cap' of Jack Daniels' now. So I'd better bid this place Nighty night and leave that poor mans thread alone! :D


Night all.


'Halcyon Days' they were though ;)

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:laugh: FECK ME IM A SAD FECKER I STILL GET IT . thers only pennys and simmons article worth reading regarding lurchers and ferts. them fecking bezant bros, dont half talk shit , for fecks sake.

why is there some incect pest books on that ferret stand C.W?

loved the old pic there C.W how young

Edited by TOMO
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I hadnt seen a copy for years and curiosity got the better of me recently when my mate had one in his motor. I had a quick flick through and in amongst the numerous adverts there was an article by penny taylor on the best collar and lead to put on a lurcher and how best to show it :laugh::laugh: what a load of pish, I would not pay £2 or whatever it is to read that shite, they have completely sold out on WORKING DOGS and the articles reflect this. If you want to read about WORKING DOGS buy EDRD its the only mag that has ever stayed true to its cause.


JMHO of course :drink:

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I think all the info you need can be found on the internet these days. Newspapers/mags are becoming obsolete. You will get a much wider and much more honest range of opinions on the net than you ever will on the pages of CMW. Everything I ever wrote for them was doctored to f**k, and that was back in the days when you were allowed to write about hunting all quarry!


For example if your thinking about going to a show and you have a flick through CMW, your not going to hear how badly organised it is, or how small the venue is, or whether or not its overpriced, but come on the net and you will get blunt opinions so you know whether or not to waste an afternoon (if shows are your thing)


If your looking for a pup then someone on these forums always knows someone else and reputations are easier to suss out, being a newbie scanning the pages of the classifieds on there is a minefield, all sorts of weird f****d up crosses sold at extortionate prices and dogs that have barely seen work being advertised at stud and in pup. Word of mouth is a far better way to obtain a worker.

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Ferret Clubs,....who would ever of fecking believed it ?


:laugh::laugh::laugh: F*ckin hell mate! That one made me laugh so hard I had to throw my head back to let it all roar out! :laugh:


Anyway, it was a " Ferreters Society " I ran! Few good people spent a long night and consumed copious quantities ~ even while scanning through dictionaries and a thesaurus! ~ to come up with That little seperation from the herd! ;)


Blimey, Chalks. Those were the days, eh? F*ckin 'ell!


Know what? It's just this minute struck me; None of us has ever produced a bloody son to remember us! When we go, there'll be no one to say, " I remember when my Dad ..... " Or even, " My Dad was ..... ". I wish I'd hung onto the photo's I've had, down the years, mate. I wish even one of my nieces or nephew had stuck around to know me. I'd have liked for someone to have remembered me as ..... who loved his Dogs more than life itself and was always fasinated with traps and catching things. Maybe be able to pull out an old photo.


Oh well. All things being equel, I'll become known as some bloke who - eventually! - put out a rather dry and 'academic' book about a load of traps that people used to use ~ or even never got to ~ some time back in the Old Days. Before the Chinese swarmed west in their all out war against the Muslims.


Naaah. Don't s'pose any of us'll be remembered at all by then mate. But then, so f*ckin what? At least we were there and Lived it, each in his own way. 'Before'. :good:




Anyway, I'm enjoying my 'Night Cap' of Jack Daniels' now. So I'd better bid this place Nighty night and leave that poor mans thread alone! :D


Night all.


'Halcyon Days' they were though ;)


That's right,..'Ferreter's Societies' was the term used,..(bit like the Masons, eh :laugh:) ...

Ferret Clubs were springing up everywhere,..and like the lurcher shows,..I don't believe they ever did any real harm to the 'serious' work orientated enthusiasts,...possibly did a lot of good on the welfare front :clapper: Its funny looking at the old photos,..makes yer cringe a wee bit,.but they was good days,..and other than the odd 'numptie' ,..most lads were genuine and simply out for a laugh,.. :laugh:

The ridiculous blight of irrational jealousy and nastiness was still a long way off,..if a guy wanted to ask you a question about something,.he just came out and said it,..there was none of the creepiness and obvious falseness that one encounters so frequently today... :no: Always best to be straight with folk, eh.. ;)

For Tomo,....Well,.I was selling Working Terrier Year Books,..a wee magazine called 'Open Field' and of course 'Lurcher, The Journal of the Running Dog'. The other books on Insects and Pest Control shown in the deleted image were actualy on the next stand to mine,..they belonged to a local pester name of Jim Hobbins..This man went out of his way to teach me the commercial pest control game ,..the bugs and the rodenticides, and probably saved me from a spell in Winchester Jail..I was heading nowhere fast...and it was definitely on the cards...

Because of him,..I gave up the night poaching life,..and walked out into the daylight... :clapper:


All the best to all veteran hunters,... :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Cheers,.CHALKWARREN.... :drink:

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laying on the grass with my dog, by the lurcher show ring at the east anglian game fair, an old beardy bloke gave me 2 free copies of the CMW. handing them out for a promotional thing.


the plastic bags they came in were dashed handy for picking up Gyps shit.


and the paper fits quite neatly into the cats litter tray :good:




i remember reading it when i was a kid, 10 - 15 years ago. it actually had some useful & readable articles. now? only good for the above. :no:

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Guest Lurcherbitch
laying on the grass with my dog, by the lurcher show ring at the east anglian game fair, an old beardy bloke gave me 2 free copies of the CMW. handing them out for a promotional thing.


the plastic bags they came in were dashed handy for picking up Gyps shit.


and the paper fits quite neatly into the cats litter tray :good:




i remember reading it when i was a kid, 10 - 15 years ago. it actually had some useful & readable articles. now? only good for the above. :no:



f*****g hell between you and sjm...you got it smack on the nose :laugh:

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I'm for EDRD every time. and agree that CW is a complete and utter waste of money. When I first started getting Shooting News, you had to order it, as the Newsagents didn't stock it, and when I picked it up every Friday (think it was 90p or 95p then) got wierd looks off the newsagents, but then I was only 12. Today you can buy CW in Morrisons even. It caters for the masses as does TV Weekly, Hello Magazine and the Beano (if its still going). Hence those with an indepth knowledge and interest in fieldsports won't find it interesting imo

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