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bbadger baiters bbc 1 country file now

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They said they had taken evidence from his computer dont no whether its true or not :hmm: BUT only a f****n idiot would have photographs of illegal cruelty to animals on a PC or laptop its like stealing a car and having your photo taken with the number plate showing :yes:

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Well I'm sorry but the idiots in the Daily Mail article deserve all they get. You dont need Countryfile, or anyone else damaging the sport when clowns like that are doing a great job. What they did wa

The scaring on the russell and them two lurchers was not done by badgers looks like fox bites to me

Probably got them off here

They was in Staffordshire Im from staffs got take more care why im out with dogs cuz my terrier when she bushing she always come out bleeding

That's all it would take for them c.unts,a little nick on the ear that puts blood on the neck will tell a world of lies in pictures

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Stupid Posts, comments and pictures on Internet websites like this. that's the problem to begin with.. Considering 99% of posts on here is verbal diarrhoea anyway. Yet people like to be anonymous under a username. Think before you ink. Talk about digging a hole for yourself !!!

Pardon the punn.

Edited by MUDD
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Thanks to c**ts like Craven tarring us all with the same brush, now if I decide to walk my dogs of an evening I must be digging badgers!! The general public actually believe and take in what these wankers say.....

that's the power of the media, thats why countryfile changed it time from 11.00 am when most town's are still in there pits to 7.00 pm prime time family viewing and if the bbc and countryfile say it's true most people will believe it they like to pray on the young and the ignorant. Edited by spazzy paddy
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Getting worse by the week...Fact Real Terrier Work is over have been for a good while,you cant get the best out of the true working terrier..... its disgracefull the working terrier and lurcher man is getting kicked in the ba..s and pedos and drug dealers are flauting the uk laws and the police now who they are...this country is FU...D

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Well I'm sorry but the idiots in the Daily Mail article deserve all they get. You dont need Countryfile, or anyone else damaging the sport when clowns like that are doing a great job. What they did was totally unacceptable. It is no wonder there is so much mis-information about fieldsports because in cases like this the anti's often have a point. I fear for the sport I used to love, it is hard to be proud of anything when things like this happen. The sport is now overun with petty criminals and undesirables.


I despair at the prolification of bull cross lurchers I have seen at shows and wonder what has happened to a way of life that was once totally accepted by rural society. Myself and friends gave up legitimate and humane terrier work years ago because of the image the sport was getting as a result of idiots like the aforementioned. It is no wonder many of the genuine enthusiasts have either disapeared or keep themselve away from the mainstream.


I think people who value anything need to look closely at what goes on around them and stand up to what is wrong, otherwise there will be nothing left of what you value. It saddens me to think, for example, that the great breeds of working terrier have no place in this society or country anymore, or that lawful lurcher work will finally be pushed into the shadows. What little is left of legitimate hunting fieldsports needs to take a long hard look at itself and push for zero tollerance of all that is wrong in your midst.

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