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country file now

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As I have said before I recommend all terrier men get their dogs a pet passport and take them on a working holiday to France at least once a year. I also recommend that they join their local badger group and assist them in any way possible. Ensure your dogs are taken to the vets regularly and you have written permission for any and all legal hunting/fox control that you do.


Most importantly, don't talk to the police without a solicitor present and don't talk to the RSPCA at all.

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Exactly what went wrong was…. a tiny unrepresentative minority of mindless individuals treated their quarry with a complete lack of respect and did so in a very public manner. They created an image of

Earth, I disagree. There's lads on here and other websites that give a lot of information about themselves and when this is combined with the lies that the antis and media make up it get's them lads i

mr craven delibratly keeps saying badger baiting this badger baiting that, yes it was outlawed 150 odd years ago. but digging badgers with terriers is not badger baiting. even the rspca inspector kept

craven is a wankstain. as ive said before how can people that dont live in the countryside or are ignorant of how best to run it dictate to us and others how it should be run. its fkn beyond me only in not so great britain does this bullsh1t happen wtf is the powers to be letting it happen for. if you asked an anti his opinion on a lion killing zebra or buffallo he wud say its nature. so are humans alien to this planet cos its in our nature to hunt aswell being hunter gatherers. the only dick heads alien to the planet is the antis its about time the police scumbags exposed theyre vandilising criminal life endangering ways. if you asked a farmer whos he more afraid off he would say the antis so whos really the thugs and terrorist? certainly not the hunters.....

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FUNNY HOW THIS PROGRAME COINCIDED WITH THE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THE CHARITY ARE MAKING STAFF REDUNDENT DUE TO LACK OF FUNDS , this was a blatant rabble rousing advert for the arsepca , The majority of people who whatch cuntry file are hillwalkers and the general public who have a passing interest in the countryside as a place to go for a meal or in the summer hols , to them the badger is a cute animal they seen on tales of the riverbank etc etc , any story craven presents is alway anti , how many members on this site , EMAIL THE BEEB ON MASS THEY HAVE TO INVESTIGATE COMPLAINTS THEY ARE PUBLIC FUNDED , but as allways no will do fooook all and the and some one else will get raided on the back of that programe as some old biddy will see some kid off ratting with a shovel and phone the bill screaming , THE BADGER IS MORE PROTECTED THAN THE WHITE RINO , PANDA , LAMB KILLA POULT KILLER TB SPREADING VERMIN , PICK UP A ROAD KILLED BADGER AND PUT IT IN A BOX AND POST IT TO YOUR NEAREST POLICE STATION OR TAKE IT IN AND ASK WHAT ACTION THEY ARE TAKING TO PROTECT THIS RARE SPECIES, FROM ITS BIGGEST KILLER THE CAR ,

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Folk, to read some posts you'd think some lads wanted to be left alone to dig or "bait" badgers. The badger is protected and always will be. Both in Britain and Ireland.

Our arguement is programmes such as Countryfile make it look like that anyone who's out in the countryside with a terrier is a BB. We have to get it through to the public that there's a very legal side to terrier work.

So don't make your arguement sound like "I want to be left in peace while I look for badgers."

This is what some posts look like, JMHO.

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FUNNY HOW THIS PROGRAME COINCIDED WITH THE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THE CHARITY ARE MAKING STAFF REDUNDENT DUE TO LACK OF FUNDS , this was a blatant rabble rousing advert for the arsepca , The majority of people who whatch cuntry file are hillwalkers and the general public who have a passing interest in the countryside as a place to go for a meal or in the summer hols , to them the badger is a cute animal they seen on tales of the riverbank etc etc , any story craven presents is alway anti , how many members on this site , EMAIL THE BEEB ON MASS THEY HAVE TO INVESTIGATE COMPLAINTS THEY ARE PUBLIC FUNDED , but as allways no will do fooook all and the and some one else will get raided on the back of that programe as some old biddy will see some kid off ratting with a shovel and phone the bill screaming , THE BADGER IS MORE PROTECTED THAN THE WHITE RINO , PANDA , LAMB KILLA POULT KILLER TB SPREADING VERMIN , PICK UP A ROAD KILLED BADGER AND PUT IT IN A BOX AND POST IT TO YOUR NEAREST POLICE STATION OR TAKE IT IN AND ASK WHAT ACTION THEY ARE TAKING TO PROTECT THIS RARE SPECIES, FROM ITS BIGGEST KILLER THE CAR ,

just complain i have :laugh:https://ssl.bbc.co.uk/complaints/forms/?reset=#anchor
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Folk, to read some posts you'd think some lads wanted to be left alone to dig or "bait" badgers. The badger is protected and always will be. Both in Britain and Ireland.

Our arguement is programmes such as Countryfile make it look like that anyone who's out in the countryside with a terrier is a BB. We have to get it through to the public that there's a very legal side to terrier work.

So don't make your arguement sound like "I want to be left in peace while I look for badgers."

This is what some posts look like, JMHO.

that is my point exactly , but while we have the bbc promoting the like of the arsepca and the retoric spewed week in week out by cravan and cuntry file, , With no one giving the other side of the aurgument , the badger needs to be controlled , a cull needs to take place , it is protected , but the law is being abused and knowilingly abused to raid innocent terrier and lurcher owners under the guies of infomation given by doubious sources , , in some cases a warrent is issused in others bulling tactics are used and people with know knowledge of their rights allow a charity to acces their propertys , i avoid the animal in qestion like the plague , , , I WAS OUT WITH A LAB WALKING A POLICE CAR PULLED UP AND TOLD ME HE HAD INFOMATION THAT HARE COURSING HAD BEEN TAKING PLACE AND LOOKED AT MY LAB AND ASKED HAD I ANY INFO ON IT , I LOOKED AT THE LAB THEN BACK AT HIM AND SAID THIS IS A RIDGE BACK MATE THERE PETS NOT HARE COURSING DOGS HE ASKED HAD I SEEN ANY ONE , MY REPLY WAS AINT HARES EXSTINCT IN BRITAIN OR BEEN BANNED OR SOME THING OFFICER , :icon_eek: , HE LOOKED PUZZELD AND DROVE OFF , my point being while we have cluless people in charge the laws are open to abuse and innocent people about lawfull pursuits are being bullied by a charity using the media to enhance there position and go unchallanged ,
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FUNNY HOW THIS PROGRAME COINCIDED WITH THE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THE CHARITY ARE MAKING STAFF REDUNDENT DUE TO LACK OF FUNDS , this was a blatant rabble rousing advert for the arsepca , The majority of people who whatch cuntry file are hillwalkers and the general public who have a passing interest in the countryside as a place to go for a meal or in the summer hols , to them the badger is a cute animal they seen on tales of the riverbank etc etc , any story craven presents is alway anti , how many members on this site , EMAIL THE BEEB ON MASS THEY HAVE TO INVESTIGATE COMPLAINTS THEY ARE PUBLIC FUNDED , but as allways no will do fooook all and the and some one else will get raided on the back of that programe as some old biddy will see some kid off ratting with a shovel and phone the bill screaming , THE BADGER IS MORE PROTECTED THAN THE WHITE RINO , PANDA , LAMB KILLA POULT KILLER TB SPREADING VERMIN , PICK UP A ROAD KILLED BADGER AND PUT IT IN A BOX AND POST IT TO YOUR NEAREST POLICE STATION OR TAKE IT IN AND ASK WHAT ACTION THEY ARE TAKING TO PROTECT THIS RARE SPECIES, FROM ITS BIGGEST KILLER THE CAR ,

just complain i have :laugh:https://ssl.bbc.co.uk/complaints/forms/?reset=#anchor

Thanks for the link. I complained about the bad light that the BBC has decided to shine a one sided approach on any man or woman that works a terrier within the law to be portrayed as a BB. I know it's fallen on deaf ears, if you buy a tv licence which is all to do with BBC more or less im cancelling the direct debit and good luck to the c--t that calls at my door looking to know why I havnt got one.

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craven molests his hand over the furry brigade. ive no problem with conservation and the likes, but i think the bbc need to tell the other side to the story they thrive in doom and gloom ive never heard any good news. the hunting business creates jobs and is an eco friendly way of controlling pests and and vermin and jobs mean it contributes to the economy aswell, so hows that a bad thing? and its good for health and fitness tooooooo lol

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Folk, to read some posts you'd think some lads wanted to be left alone to dig or "bait" badgers. The badger is protected and always will be. Both in Britain and Ireland.

Our arguement is programmes such as Countryfile make it look like that anyone who's out in the countryside with a terrier is a BB. We have to get it through to the public that there's a very legal side to terrier work.

So don't make your arguement sound like "I want to be left in peace while I look for badgers."

This is what some posts look like, JMHO.


Spot on. There needs to be a united and respectable front to Terrier work, and even Lurcher work, otherwise both will be lost forever despite what the current Government may, or may not do about repealing the Act. I would even go as far as to suggest it should be regulated by defra or an approved independent body approved by the Government issuing licences. That would do two things; firstly it would flush out all the hooligans, criminals and people who damage the sport having no respect for their quarry or countryside and secondly it would wrong foot organisations like th RSPCA. If you have nothing to hide then there would be no problem.

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Lots of fair comments here guys........the badger is a pest according to a few of my permmision owners who own cattle.....where's the fkin BBC he ask's when TB is fkin spread about?......Mr Craven and the Beeb need to get out more...take a look at real world with real probs.......i dont digg myself and but seriously they need to look at whole pic not just some anti's fkin stand on things ffs



Omegathelast has a point about DEFRA regulating this though

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we have a united front in terrier work , we have two very well orginised terrier clubs with many affiliated clubs , the problem is the every time some fool gets get caught tampering with the panda oops a i mean badger its hitts the press and media , then the spin starts once again , the terrier fed, and the fmwtc have over the years strived to legitermise terrier work with some succes , then it all gets set back with actions of people who could not give a flying fooooook for man nor beast , its a hard fact of life

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we have a united front in terrier work , we have two very well orginised terrier clubs with many affiliated clubs , the problem is the every time some fool gets get caught tampering with the panda oops a i mean badger its hitts the press and media , then the spin starts once again , the terrier fed, and the fmwtc have over the years strived to legitermise terrier work with some succes , then it all gets set back with actions of people who could not give a flying fooooook for man nor beast , its a hard fact of life

:yes: :yes: I didn't watch it as I don't like the British Biased Corporation :victory:
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we have a united front in terrier work , we have two very well orginised terrier clubs with many affiliated clubs , the problem is the every time some fool gets get caught tampering with the panda oops a i mean badger its hitts the press and media , then the spin starts once again , the terrier fed, and the fmwtc have over the years strived to legitermise terrier work with some succes , then it all gets set back with actions of people who could not give a flying fooooook for man nor beast , its a hard fact of life


But those organisations are not very effective in my view. As a minimum all genuine hunting people now need to support those organisations and there needs to be a real push to protect the sport because, as you say, the idiots and morons are destroying this way of life.

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its proply more so antis and media just to keep an eye on lads yards and what there up to seen it that programme shamless your man walks into the house in the cammo gear and boots and the mother mimi goes how many badgers did u bait today. there driving the picture of badger baiting into the poor dumb people who belive it so when your seen walkind down the road with your teriers the people that pass you by think your goin badger bauting straight away

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