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used to go through all the subforums, starting with running dogs, then heading down through ferrets, general talk, classifieds, Health, and cooking.

now i just hit "view new posts", and scan through til i find something that interests me. saves hours :laugh:

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Guest Scuba1


I do carry it but never bloody remember to take it out of my pocket and use the shagging thing.


I got up at 2.30 last Saturday to fly to Badminton Horse Trials and came home without a single feckin' picture.


I can point and shoot at simple stationery objects, but I need to figure out how to photograph moving subjects, I have lots of pictures of horses tails jumping fences and empty spaces where a pup was 2 seconds earlier.


Ok I´ll keep it simple Most compact cameras have some shutter lag, that is the time it takes the camera from when you press the button to when it actualy writes the image on the chip. In dark conditions, this can take anything up to a second. I bright conditions it is usualy a lot faster then that. This is in my vew the biggest draw back of digital photography as opposed to the film cameras. This means, that you have to think what the subject is going to do in that split second it takes from you pressing the button and the camera taking the photo and follow your subject with the camera for that time. I always found it more difficult to teach people that had a 35 mil camera for years as opposed to someone who is just starting out with photography as old habits die hard. The biggest mistake that ex film camera users make is to press the shutter and then take the camera down in an instant, thus either ending up with a shot that is not sharp because of the movement or taking pics of the ground in front of them.


Ahhhh and i look at the shooting spots first :victory:






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