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Cocker Pocessive With Dummy

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Hi folks

Looking some help and advice. I have a 7 month old cocker who is pocessive with the dummy when i send him to retrieve it. i have started to use the check cord over the last number of days and have got him coming back to me. Is there any chance that i could over do it with the cord. Any advice would be great.

Many thanks

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before you do eney thing mate you need to get the basics in ie sit stay recall heal stop to whisel sounds like his recall is not that good so when you want him in pip then say in put your hand out and bring it down to your side at the same time as you say in in time he will no in means in i never use the cord up to you i have trained many cockers and found this works ihave a cocker bitch 8 months in training now bringing dummy s in from 100 yard memory's i would work on recall first then dummeys later good luck

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work on the recall, then find some kind of narrow passage way send him for his retrieves up there so his options are limited and encourage him to come straight to you, keep that up for a few weeks with no retrieves but the "retrieving lane" then move on to down the side of a fence before moving out into open ground. just short stuff doesnt need to be huge distances and see how he goes.

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