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blast from the past

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making a fire in the morning, lots of overgrown plots of land on different streets, nesting, rows of wooden garages, phone boxes, 12 and 24 royals, been able to go to shop for fags with a note lol


chrissy waddle, david hirst & des walker.

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i remember my first shaved one --- what a treat looked like a vw beetle bonnet ..

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playing kerbi, holidays to cleethorpes not disney land florida, bottles of esp lager from people doing the beer runs to france, there always seemed to be a few dogs roaming the streets as well, never see any now

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so you lot grew up in the eighties then,,lol...

me the 50/60,s they was the times to grow up in. every thing fresh and new,,great music every week, tuning in to the pirate stations. everything made in uk..loads of work..no foreigners round my way,we used to class the scots irish and welsh as immigrants,,lol..

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bird egging and having tripe for tea wearing jumpers your nan still gets you for xmas and the school board and some good working dogs playing in the street and taking pop bottles back to the shop for 10p playing man hunt and kick can alley and mars bars that were bigger that what they are now

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Being given 2p by me Mam and getting 8 Black Jacks/Fruit Salads from the shop. Hubba Bubba gum that you could blow a proper bubble with.


I used to catch a Bus to School 2 miles away. I got 5p a day, 2p there and 2p back and a penny to spend in the shop.


As long as you were home for your Tea, you were allowed to be out all day and no one worried.


First pair of screw in studded footie boots.

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jumping the fence at the outdoor to get pop bottles then taking them back and getting the deposite back, theres another one crona pop doorstep deliveries, bin men that fetched and returned your dustbin, coppers that gave you a belt up the earhole,teachers that gave you the cane and slipper.

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oh them were the days , you could fcuk off in the school holidays all day on yer bike and come back at tea time , getting a smelly finger of fat vicky cooper , nicking in the pictures , fag machines on the wall out side the shop

Edited by mickmck
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bag of broken biscuits off the market to take to the pictures saturday afternoon,daytrips to the coast with the club,best off all porkpies just out of the oven from the bakers before the jelly sets

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