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what to do

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if my jill is in kit . ( this is a possibility , as i found her as wild )


what should and should,nt i do :blink:

heard stories of them eating there young etc .

she comes out twice a day , should i stopped handling her .

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if my jill is in kit . ( this is a possibility , as i found her as wild )


what should and should,nt i do :blink:

heard stories of them eating there young etc .

she comes out twice a day , should i stopped handling her .


I would make sure she has plenty of bedding so she can start to nest , keep her food plentyfull .

if she does give birth then leave her other than to put in food & attach water to the cage for a week at least



Experienced jills will take it in there stride, she may be a first time mom,so just keep an eye on her,if she chooses to neglect the kits theres not lot you can do, its just one of thoese things sadly


I would just keep reasuring her,talk to her if she comes out from the nest,dont worry about changing the bedding to soon, it will be bloody & get filthy but i wouldnt be tempted to mess for the first week at least :)


Hope this helps a little

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thanks FL -- what would the best nesting material


Shredded paper / hay


I was told not to use shredded paper especially if it has ink on it. !! :icon_eek:


It depepnds on how much ink is on paper and what type of paper and ink is used, i suppose. I use waste paper documents from the printer, and it does the job, no harm that i can see.


But each has its problem strories, just like hay and straw they can both carry parasites in them such as ticks and fleas, so let yourself be the judge.

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