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The very genuine air of camaraderie on this thread comes across loud and clear, it’s a far cry from the THL of old and long may it continue to be that way.   The IWTF has already shown in a very sho

Barrie, camaraderie would be an understatement. The room for the meeting on Sunday was pre-paid for by one lad out of his own pocket at considerable expence. At the close of the meeting EVERYONE tha


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  On 21/05/2012 at 09:49, stop.end said:

yes FOLKS..this is true RISE ...are setting up a rally....and would ask every single person ...terriermen/women... fishing..shooting...houndsfolks...farmers,,falconers...ferretters...lurcher people...infact just about anybody that has anything to do with countryside... men women children..grandparents everyone to show support for corkman and his rally and PACK CORK OUT with all country folk standing together on this...and show these people in government that we have had enough :thumbs: .... UNITED WE STAND.....



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Hi lads, in response to Corkonian & Just Hunt. RISE is back and back with a vengeance. Yes you are correct the RISE committee did Not receive any representations from any Terrier organisation because there is no such thing in the Republic of Ireland presently. Stop end is

doing great work up North but that is about it on this island! But let me assure you that

Terrierwork has representation on the Committee of RISE as I am on the new Committee and I am a Terrierman - FIRST & FOREMOST.

The problem is we - Terriermen are totally disorganised and a lot of lads don't appear to realise the trouble we are in! To correct Just Hunt this is not just about Stag Hunting. The

Animal Health & Welfare Bill 2012 will effect ALL aspects of hunting especially Terrierwork. We have booked Silver Springs Hotel Conference Centre for a mass rally on Thursday 7th June at 8PM. Let me assure people interested in supporting this rally that RISE is made up of all Fieldsports associations - fishing, shooting, hunting, coursing, hawking, deer society and is very much open to terriermen, lurchermen, registered and non registered hunts. This is a powerful group but needs everyones support and more importantly "ACTION". I will post details and info on Rally the AH&W Bill on this site tomorrow. Great to see terriermen with keen interest. Spread the word!

Edited by Corkman
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  On 22/05/2012 at 22:09, Corkman said:

Hi lads, in response to Corkonian & Just Hunt. RISE is back and back with a vengeance. Yes you are correct the RISE committee did Not receive any representations from any Terrier organisation because there is no such thing in the Republic of Ireland presently. Stop end is doing great work up North but that is about it on this island! But let me assure you that Terrierwork has representation on the Committee of RISE as I am on the new Committee and I am a Terrierman - FIRST & FOREMOST.
The problem is we - Terriermen are totally disorganised and a lot of lads don't appear to realise the trouble we are in! To correct Just Hunt this is not just about Stag Hunting. The Animal Health & Welfare Bill 2012 will effect ALL aspects of hunting especially Terrierwork. We have booked Silver Springs Hotel Conference Centre for a mass rally on the 7th June at 8PM. Let me assure people interested in supporting this rally that RISE is made up of all Fieldsports associations - fishing, shooting, hunting, coursing, hawking, deer society and is very much open to terriermen, lurchermen, registered and non registered hunts. This is a powerful group but needs everyones support and more importantly "ACTION". I will post details and info on the AH&wBill on this site tomorrow. Great to see terriermen with keen interest. Spread the word!

Edited by stop.end
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  On 22/05/2012 at 15:57, gonetoearth said:
  On 21/05/2012 at 09:49, stop.end said:

yes FOLKS..this is true RISE ...are setting up a rally....and would ask every single person ...terriermen/women... fishing..shooting...houndsfolks...farmers,,falconers...ferretters...lurcher people...infact just about anybody that has anything to do with countryside... men women children..grandparents everyone to show support for corkman and his rally and PACK CORK OUT with all country folk standing together on this...and show these people in government that we have had enough :thumbs: .... UNITED WE STAND.....





I you go on to website called SKYSCANNER they will tell you exactly

who flys into Cork ,and the price ,i know Ryanair and Aer lingus do .

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Hi corkman .

Maby i didnt explain myself right

The stag hunt was banned by fiana fail and the greens


and fine gale said they would reverse it if elected and they havent


With stag hunting gone the ICABS are a step closer to us


COUNTRY SPORTS are under preasure all over this island and i agree

with you whole hearted WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER

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Hi Just Hunt. I accept what you are stating. You are quite correct and seem well informed. I wish there was more like you. The only thing the Politicians wake up to is intense lobbying by the numbers. While we are all out hunting etc the ANTI's are emailing, ringing and putting media displays such as ARAN. CONSTANTLY. They are relentless for a small group. We on the other hand have huge numbers but fail to act. Ask youself how can you help yourself and your sport ? Go online and email all the labour and FG and FF TD's. Pick up the phone arrange a meeting with your local TD's and councillors. We put these people in the Dail. They work for US! Read the AH&W Bill. It's on the net. If you can't find it I can point you in the right direction. I'll also post info tomorrow. Main thing is that if we all act then they will sit up and take notice as they see each one of us as a potential lost vote!

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  On 22/05/2012 at 23:27, Corkman said:

Hi Just Hunt. I accept what you are stating. You are quite correct and seem well informed. I wish there was more like you. The only thing the Politicians wake up to is intense lobbying by the numbers. While we are all out hunting etc the ANTI's are emailing, ringing and putting media displays such as ARAN. CONSTANTLY. They are relentless for a small group. We on the other hand have huge numbers but fail to act. Ask youself how can you help yourself and your sport ? Go online and email all the labour and FG and FF TD's. Pick up the phone arrange a meeting with your local TD's and councillors. We put these people in the Dail. They work for US! Read the AH&W Bill. It's on the net. If you can't find it I can point you in the right direction. I'll also post info tomorrow. Main thing is that if we all act then they will sit up and take notice as they see each one of us as a potential lost vote!


... Edited by stop.end
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  On 22/05/2012 at 23:27, Corkman said:

Hi Just Hunt. I accept what you are stating. You are quite correct and seem well informed. I wish there was more like you. The only thing the Politicians wake up to is intense lobbying by the numbers. While we are all out hunting etc the ANTI's are emailing, ringing and putting media displays such as ARAN. CONSTANTLY. They are relentless for a small group. We on the other hand have huge numbers but fail to act. Ask youself how can you help yourself and your sport ? Go online and email all the labour and FG and FF TD's. Pick up the phone arrange a meeting with your local TD's and councillors. We put these people in the Dail. They work for US! Read the AH&W Bill. It's on the net. If you can't find it I can point you in the right direction. I'll also post info tomorrow. Main thing is that if we all act then they will sit up and take notice as they see each one of us as a potential lost vote!

My oldman who has been over this course in the Scottish Parliament is meeting various people at Moira this weekend he will be giving advice on lobbying in particular as the way you go about it can have very different results. In the above post corkman was saying about every one is a potential lost vote but when you explain the ripple effect I.E. all your familly and freinds will also be voting against them and your organizations will be activly working for the politicians that support you they will start to comprehend the depth of feeling they have so far ignored.In Scotland their offices ground to a halt due to the volume of mail from the Scottish Working Dog Association members. Just one word of WARNING my mum who will be with dad at Moira had been Led to believe she was going for a second Honeymoon so keep your Wits about you when speaking to my old man but BEWARE OF THE MOMMY. :bye:

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On Thursday 7th June at 8PM

In Silversprings Hotel Conference Centre!


If you are interested in or you are involved with any Fieldsports activity you should be there!

If you interested in or you are involved with Shooting, Fishing, Hunting, Working Terriers, Coursing, Equestrian Sports, Pest Control, Animal Management and Farming you should attend this rally in support of your pastime or livelihood.

Labour and Fine Gael politicians have a clear disregard for "our" concerns and have shown this by continuously breaking election promises and failing to realise the flawed green agenda they are forcing upon us.

We have had enough and now is the time to act!


The government are bringing in new Animal Health & Welfare laws that will have a direct impact on hunting shooting and fishing in Ireland and the RISE campaign needs your support to make them think again.


The dangers are real and we cannot ignore them, for example:


  • The law will allow for the appointment of “authorised officers” by the Minister. These “authorised officers” will have powers to enter your property, seize animals and make prosecutions, as they see fit. RISE believes there is a real risk that anti-hunting activists could infiltrate the system by being appointed “authorised officers”.
  • The law will make working dogs – foxhounds, beagles, lurchers, terriers etc. – “protected animals”. This means that as “protected animals” they will be subject to 166 pages of Animal Health and Welfare rules and regulations – many of which are unrealistic and intrusive when it comes to the realities of fieldsports (e.g. tracking and tracing all animals)
  • For example: It will be illegal to dock dog’s tails unless there is a clear risk to the animal’s health and welfare – ignoring the needs of working dogs such as terriers and making life more difficult for fieldsports people


RISE welcomes sensible animal health and welfare laws but these are badly written and spell trouble for fieldsports unless we challenge the politicians to do the right thing and take our concerns seriously.


See you all there!


For more information

Info at: www.hai.ie

Edited by Corkman
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  On 23/05/2012 at 18:44, Corkman said:


On Thursday 7th June at 8PM

In Silversprings Hotel Conference Centre!


See you all there!


For more information

Info at: www.hai.ie



The extent of the Animal Welfare Bill is far reaching for ALL rural activities.

Action must be taken now to amend this bill.

If we can spread the message that Every Farm, Stable, Kennel and Yard will no longer be under your control.

These "Authorisied Offiicers"only need to have a suspicion, and they can enter and inspect.

Most of these suspicions can be subjective and minor for action to be taken.

Corkman will have my support at this RISE meeting.

I hope everyone on THL can do what they can to spread the word.

Read the Bill and get informed, it affects you.

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While in Donegal 15 years ago or so shooting duck

our host a north west fisheries officer told us that

we would be fishing with a needle and not a hook in

the next 20 years

the take would be the thrill .....


This is where they want us to be


12 months ago an outgoing FF TD said that the whole OPW ,

NPWS and Wildlife rangers needed to be dispanded because

the greens had set unough people up in the hot places to



Sit back and think about it

This is how far we are behind them ..


Good luck with the meeting ,will make it if i can


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10 Things you need to know about the A.W.B. 2012,


1, A “protected animal” means an animal—of a kind commonly kept for farming, recreational, domestic or sporting purposes on the island of Ireland,


2, That “unnecessary suffering” means, in relation to an animal, pain, distress or suffering (whether physical or mental).


3, Nothing in this section applies in relation to anything which occurs in the ordinary course of—


lawfully hunting an animal, unless the animal is released in an injured, mutilated or exhausted condition, or

lawfully coursing a hare, unless the hare is hunted or coursed in a space from which it does not have a reasonable chance of escape.


4, A person shall not organise or cause or permit to take place any performance involving—wrestling, fighting or struggling with an animal and any other activity that may cause unnecessary suffering to an animal .The considerations to which regard may be had when determining, for the purposes of this section, whether an animal has been involved in an animal fight include—any pattern of injuries or scars on the animal that are likely to have been inflicted in a fight or performance.


5, A person shall not, except in accordance with animal health and welfare regulations, carry out an operation or procedure to mutilate or cause or permit another person to mutilate an animal including the docking or nicking of the tail of a bovine, canine or equine, the removal of horns or antlers from an animal or firing an equine).


6, A person shall not kill a protected animal other than in accordance with an act adopted by an institution of the European Union or animal health and welfare regulations.


7, Where an “authorised officer” has reasonable grounds for believing that an offence is being or has been committed, he or she may seize and detain the animal concerned and remove it or arrange to have it removed to a place of safety or such other place as the officer thinks fit.


8, An authorised officer may enter and inspect, at all reasonable times, any land or premises where he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that

An animal, animal product or animal feed.

A record relating to an animal, animal product or animal feed.

Equipment, machinery or other thing used in connection with an animal, animal product or animal feed.


may be or has been present,


Examine an animal, animal product, animal feed, equipment, machinery or other thing,


9, Where an authorised officer is of the opinion that—the conditions (including the method of husbandry and the number of protected animals on land or premises) under which a protected animal is kept or otherwise used may—give rise to injury or unnecessary suffering or other risk to the welfare of the animal.


10, The Minister or Manager of a local authority may for the purposes of enforcing this Act or an EU measure, appoint in writing, such persons or classes of person as he or she considers appropriate to be authorised officers for the exercise of all or any of the functions under this Act.

Edited by p3d
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