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I.W.T.F. (CLUB) and clubs....

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The very genuine air of camaraderie on this thread comes across loud and clear, it’s a far cry from the THL of old and long may it continue to be that way.   The IWTF has already shown in a very sho

Barrie, camaraderie would be an understatement. The room for the meeting on Sunday was pre-paid for by one lad out of his own pocket at considerable expence. At the close of the meeting EVERYONE tha


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stopend u seem to have plenty of time on ur hands to be able to post sooo much, so ud perhaps be thee ideal person to be able to start terrier club for ireland..both north and south..as for sharing our presentations shall get it sorted out when im not too busy dealing with household chores, 8 dogs, baby and 101 other things that seem to be a womans daily grind..ooo by the way,dogs are 2 lurchers,3 hounds and 3 terriers, which i also go hunting with..take care

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  On 13/04/2012 at 23:16, the beagler said:

stopend u seem to have plenty of time on ur hands to be able to post sooo much, so ud perhaps be thee ideal person to be able to start terrier club for ireland..both north and south.


No offence intended Beagler, I believe we’re all very much on the same side.


But we all have the same amount of time at our disposal, none of it is really “spare time” and it’s more a matter of how we choose to use it.


There are those who (foolishly in my opinion) choose to fritter it away in pubs and clubs.


There are those less foolish and who enjoy their hunting so much, that’s how they choose to spend all of their “spare time”.


And then there are those who value their hunting so much, that they’re willing to give up some of their own pleasures to defend it.


It’s simply a matter of priorities and possibly where we’ve slipped up in the past.


J.M.H.O. - Barrie

Edited by Barrie
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Any club being formed to fight for the survival of terrier work will have to get the Master of Foxhounds assc. and the CA on their side. Simple as that.

With the exception of laws regarding baiting and fighting all laws regarding terrier work are written up with Hunt Terrier work in mind.

Stop End while I say well done on your recent work in getting a club in the North of Ireland up and running I sincerly hope that a commitee will be given the chance to elect a chairperson and a secretary and that you wont just elect yourself to the Chair.

It's not too long ago you were putting up pictures of your lurchers drawing and photos of terriers after digs. You wrote posts boasting of your digging and indulged in name calling and slagging.

So hopefully any new clubs formed will have someone representing them who's fit to represent terrierwork and not someone who partakes in the above.


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here here, Neil, very well put, a gentlemans words!! Always remember ur terrier indeed..and Barrie, i take no offence, but simply stating that if a gentleman or lady, whatever the case may be has the time and energy(of which i seem to have none..hehe) to use internet forums to try rile people up and resort to silly school playground name calling and constant posts asking for presentations well none better to take the sting outta them and let them use their time//energy to be put to better uses..seems like today is gonna be a great day,so shall take baby and one of these lurchers away for a nice walk to local forest park think of ways to approach the forming of such a club, and what requirements are..instead of one just going ram,stam into it( remembering that we here on the island of Ireland fall under different governments thus far to the mainland)..take care all.

Edited by the beagler
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Myself and Stopend have had our fair share of slagging matchs over this site ,but thats all it is a bit of slagging and banter but he has being working flat out to get this org off the ground and i will give him my full backing and everyone else i have spoke to on the matter is the same,I am born and bred in Dublin but one half of my mothers family where tenant farmers for the Laylaws in the Kells and Navan area of Co Meath and i remember being out there as a kid and they kenneled a few pairs of hounds for the hunt,the other half where sheep farmers from Co Wicklow ,and it was my grandfather that got me interested in terriers ,he used to keep wheatens,kerryblues fox terriers and jackrussells ,and on my Father's side one half where cattle farmers and bred Irish Draught horses in Co Wexford and the other half where Italian but i won't go into that,

But i have had dogs and horse's all my life and i used to hunt with with a mounted pack,but on more than one occaision when it came up in conversation that i kept lurchers the response i got was oh them knackers dogs,which really pissed me off because i knew having a strong Dublin accent and keeping "knackers" dogs a certain few thought i didn't belong there,

I love hunting in all forms and this org should bring us all together to keep it ,there is enough anti groups out there trying to stop it,so lets stick together,theres nothing wrong with a bit of slagging but don't be trying to belittle each other and make one group look bad and pointing out each others faults.


Sorry if i went on a bit but rant over,lets make this work


Edited by lurcher330
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id be intrigued to know where lurchers come into this because those of us mere peasents that cant afford our own mounted pack to hunt with have our way we like to hunt with terrier to ground or bushing , cover with lurcher ready to catch the bolters. is the new club and its members prepared to fight for all types of hunting with dogs or would the upper class snub us when they get theyre type of hunting secured? not looking an argument just making sure a club in preparing to join and support all aspects myself is going to be doing the same for me. and money,colour,race,religeon or secterianism have no place in it and every member are on an equal plane? thats just how i feel about things. :thumbs:

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  On 14/04/2012 at 10:17, BIG G wheton machine said:

id be intrigued to know where lurchers come into this because those of us mere peasents that cant afford our own mounted pack to hunt with have our way we like to hunt with terrier to ground or bushing , cover with lurcher ready to catch the bolters. is the new club and its members prepared to fight for all types of hunting with dogs or would the upper class snub us when they get theyre type of hunting secured? not looking an argument just making sure a club in preparing to join and support all aspects myself is going to be doing the same for me. and money,colour,race,religeon or secterianism have no place in it and every member are on an equal plane? thats just how i feel about things. :thumbs:

I am willing to be involved in this ,and i would fight tooth and nail to keep all forms of hunting with dogs :thumbs:
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  On 14/04/2012 at 06:35, neil cooney said:

Any club being formed to fight for the survival of terrier work will have to get the Master of Foxhounds assc. and the CA on their side. Simple as that.
With the exception of laws regarding baiting and fighting all laws regarding terrier work are written up with Hunt Terrier work in mind.
Stop End while I say well done on your recent work in getting a club in the North of Ireland up and running I sincerly hope that a commitee will be given the chance to elect a chairperson and a secretary and that you wont just elect yourself to the Chair.
It's not too long ago you were putting up pictures of your lurchers drawing and photos of terriers after digs. You wrote posts boasting of your digging and indulged in name calling and slagging.
So hopefully any new clubs formed will have someone representing them who's fit to represent terrierwork and not someone who partakes in the above.

Edited by stop.end
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Thanks for clearing some things up Stop End. And your right, it wasn't you who asked me about a club or federation.

I'll repeat what I said and I hope it happens.

I said that hopefully anyone who represents the terrier men and terrier work here in Ireland is someone who hasn't contributed in anyway to giving terrier work a bad name, has the ability to speak in an intelligent way on the subject and can get the message through. It would also help if they could write a letter or two in a proper manner.

So hopefully the likes of yourself will be able to find someone who fits the bill.

Edited by neil cooney
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