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My 11 month whippet decided to try and catch a bee a few days back and ended up with a sting on the side of her lip. It swelled up and as I was away the missus rang the vets and they said this was ok.


It's been 4 days now and the skin around her face seems to have gone a kind of brown colour.


Apart from this all is ok. Anybody heard of this before?



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Springer pup was stung in the mouth a while ago, whole head swelled to twice the normal size, she looked like some sort of mutant. Took her to the vets as I was worried about her breathing being restricted. They gave her an anti hystamine injection and the swelling started to reduce imediately. She had swollen lips for a few days after, no problems since which is good as I have two beehives in the garden.

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One of my Black dogs tried to dig a nest up of Bees before and got swarmed by a load of them a few years back. I thought he was gonna die. He was being sick, then collapsed and eyes were dilated. He come round when I was waiting to see a vet, but they gave him a jab and give me a tablet to give him anyway and he was as right as rain after a day.

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Remember that just because a dog doesn't show a severe reaction the first time it is stung, doesn't mean it won't have a bad reaction the next time. I've seen it many times, where each subsequent sting, sometimes years apart, provokes increasingly bad reaction. I almost lost a terrier a couple of years back: two bee stings, that was all, but her body had learned to over react. Always carry anti-histamine, and there is a liquid one you can get which is absorbed faster by the body than tablets.

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my pup got stung by a bee last summer his head swelled to almost twice the size he was lay on the patio blowing bubbles from his nose. i rushed him to the vets and they gave him a injection straight into the vein and i had to wait there almost a hour to see if the swelling stopped. thank god it did, thought i was going to lose him. it still took 5 hours for the swelling to go down but he has been fine since. hes been stung again since and only had a very small swell around the actual sting site.

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Springer pup was stung in the mouth a while ago, whole head swelled to twice the normal size, she looked like some sort of mutant. Took her to the vets as I was worried about her breathing being restricted. They gave her an anti hystamine injection and the swelling started to reduce imediately. She had swollen lips for a few days after, no problems since which is good as I have two beehives in the garden.

Same happened to me with a black dog i had.Was camping in the middle of nowhere at the time and had to walk back and get him to the vets. Took him to the vet and he got a anti hystamine and a weeks course of tablets.Wasn't pretty at all.


Atb with your bitch veedublee

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