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is it vital to have experianced dog to bring young ones on

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ive lost my working terrier that goes to ground to the dark forces and am only left with a russel i use for cover work.but i have 2 , 7mth old pups that were bread and got for going to ground will i be able to start them of on there own without seeing a hole worked are do they need to see another terrier work a hole first.its my first time starting from pups as my last one was got as working dog and was going to let them learn from him :hmm:

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If your pups are bred the right way,{worker to worker} then they should self enter when ready.Terriers are a very curious little dog and will usually want to get to ground to see whats down there,but in saying that it is also very helpfull to let pups see an older terrier do what they were bred for.

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Got a young dog here that didnt have an experienced dog to show him the way as i lost my old dog like you have, had him out ratting which made him keener and had him bushing ol' red in cover to learn the scent and he entered ok and this was not bred worker to worker just farm bred, how you bring them on is just as important as breeding can be

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the way things are over here at the minute you'll find it hard to get someone to take you out hopefully by the time your pups are ready philpott will have made enough cash from donations to pay for his luxury holiday so wont be on peoples backs

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Got a young dog here that didnt have an experienced dog to show him the way as i lost my old dog like you have, had him out ratting which made him keener and had him bushing ol' red in cover to learn the scent and he entered ok and this was not bred worker to worker just farm bred, how you bring them on is just as important as breeding can be

thanks ill get them out ratting soon :thumbs:
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