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2 rabbits in one trap.

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Strangest catch i ever had rabbit wise, was two adult rabbits in one snare, one was caught cleanly around the neck and the other must have some how stood over the taught wire and then the rabbit leaped over it as the second rabbit was held by the wire twisted around its midriff.

Another strange double happened when two rabbits decided to bolt from the same small bolt hole at the same time when i was ferreting a few years back. They both were held fast with their heads sticking out of the bolt hole and couldn't go forwards or pull their heads back, for a split second i thought i had caught the worlds first two-headed rabbit :yes:

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had 2 buns in a purse net before, had 2 rats in fenns loads of times, pegandgun that used to be on here, told me he has had 2 buns in a wire a few times, same as you only wrapped round 1 leg

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