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Guest bullterrier

it will just be a race to the summit which i believe if sticking to the paths is just shy of 10 miles.......taking into account the harsh ground and slight incline :D i figured worst ways an average of 4 mph would give a time of around 2 and a half hours inc a few stops


It's not the 10 miles that's the bitch but the 4'000ft ascent and 4'000ft descent, lol.


Follow the paths I think is most people's advice, any other way and you're gonna end up airlifted off, lol.


Oh and aim to get it all done before 8-9am. The paths are like a f*****g motorway after then!

Good advice....We set of early but it was still jammed packed and at the start you can be held up as the path is pretty narrow.

Gnasher.....When you get there and you climb what i would call the first section which is quite large steps in the rock.....a short arse must struggle here. Lucky i'm not and boomed up that bit. Then it opens out and you get some cracking views.....you could certainly take some short cuts and we looked at a few on the way down.....but if you tripped youd be down very very fast and then shortly followed by a long stay in A&E........... :yes::D

Just to add it was a group of lads that i did the walk with.....we arrived the night before and went out for a few pints.... :icon_eek: Staggered in at 2/3 in the morning, up at around 8 to climb it....even a local lass asked us on the night before what we were at Fort Willaim for and we said "To climb Nevis!!".......she looked at the nick of us and said "No chance!!!".... :laugh:

So really what i'm saying is its not that hard................ :victory: Oh and when we got to the top we had to drink a beer for my mate that died.......it was that f*****g cold i couldn't even hold the tin.. :D .

Good luck with it though mate........ :thumbs:

i bet you made your mate carry the tins anyway :D
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Just to say thanks to the good folk off here who gave me help and advice i got back off my little trip Tuesday last week it was a piece of cake really nowhere near as bad as i thought it might be.....

I had completely forgotten that you were going to do this and hadn't realised you had been, done it and come back, good effort. There is something very uplifting and calming about having a week to yo

Thankyou sir ......its mad the way the mind plays tricks with you....no doubt about it there was times when i thought " f**k this what am i doing this for,never again "......but when i got back home

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it will just be a race to the summit which i believe if sticking to the paths is just shy of 10 miles.......taking into account the harsh ground and slight incline :D i figured worst ways an average of 4 mph would give a time of around 2 and a half hours inc a few stops


It's not the 10 miles that's the bitch but the 4'000ft ascent and 4'000ft descent, lol.


Follow the paths I think is most people's advice, any other way and you're gonna end up airlifted off, lol.


Oh and aim to get it all done before 8-9am. The paths are like a f*****g motorway after then!

Good advice....We set of early but it was still jammed packed and at the start you can be held up as the path is pretty narrow.

Gnasher.....When you get there and you climb what i would call the first section which is quite large steps in the rock.....a short arse must struggle here. Lucky i'm not and boomed up that bit. Then it opens out and you get some cracking views.....you could certainly take some short cuts and we looked at a few on the way down.....but if you tripped youd be down very very fast and then shortly followed by a long stay in A&E........... :yes::D

Just to add it was a group of lads that i did the walk with.....we arrived the night before and went out for a few pints.... :icon_eek: Staggered in at 2/3 in the morning, up at around 8 to climb it....even a local lass asked us on the night before what we were at Fort Willaim for and we said "To climb Nevis!!".......she looked at the nick of us and said "No chance!!!".... :laugh:

So really what i'm saying is its not that hard................ :victory: Oh and when we got to the top we had to drink a beer for my mate that died.......it was that f*****g cold i couldn't even hold the tin.. :D .

Good luck with it though mate........ :thumbs:

i bet you made your mate carry the tins anyway :D

:laugh: .....Nope i carried my own tin thanks very much. Also i nicked a stone from the top as a souvenier.....i think thats the done thing..... :D
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it will just be a race to the summit which i believe if sticking to the paths is just shy of 10 miles.......taking into account the harsh ground and slight incline :D i figured worst ways an average of 4 mph would give a time of around 2 and a half hours inc a few stops


It's not the 10 miles that's the bitch but the 4'000ft ascent and 4'000ft descent, lol.


Follow the paths I think is most people's advice, any other way and you're gonna end up airlifted off, lol.


Oh and aim to get it all done before 8-9am. The paths are like a f*****g motorway after then!

Good advice....We set of early but it was still jammed packed and at the start you can be held up as the path is pretty narrow.

Gnasher.....When you get there and you climb what i would call the first section which is quite large steps in the rock.....a short arse must struggle here. Lucky i'm not and boomed up that bit. Then it opens out and you get some cracking views.....you could certainly take some short cuts and we looked at a few on the way down.....but if you tripped youd be down very very fast and then shortly followed by a long stay in A&E........... :yes::D

Just to add it was a group of lads that i did the walk with.....we arrived the night before and went out for a few pints.... :icon_eek: Staggered in at 2/3 in the morning, up at around 8 to climb it....even a local lass asked us on the night before what we were at Fort Willaim for and we said "To climb Nevis!!".......she looked at the nick of us and said "No chance!!!".... :laugh:

So really what i'm saying is its not that hard................ :victory: Oh and when we got to the top we had to drink a beer for my mate that died.......it was that f*****g cold i couldn't even hold the tin.. :D .

Good luck with it though mate........ :thumbs:

i bet you made your mate carry the tins anyway :D

:laugh: .....Nope i carried my own tin thanks very much. Also i nicked a stone from the top as a souvenier.....i think thats the done thing..... :D


No wonder it's getting easier to do. All those people each taking a stone off the top, the f***ing things getting smaller by the hour :laugh: !

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when you doing it gnasher could the mods not organise a sponser so much a mile or time for craigyboys garden just a thought :thumbs:


I had a natter with my mate im doing this against earlier we will still be having our bet between us 2............but we also spoke about a little home nations challenge if any of you Jocks are up for it :D .....my mate didnt know Craig from adam,well neither did i come to think of it......but i would of liked to have given some kind of donation anyway.......so......what about me and my ENGLISH pal against 2 Jocks off of here ?.......all 4 men timed,losers ( slowest ) to pay an agreed amount to the Craigyboy fund.............i,ll even where a Man Utd shirt on the day in tribute !...........Scothunter,Labtastic,Northernlite,Stanley ??.........or any others,im sure you could come up with a tag team between you.......then maybe share a pint or 2 after seeing its a special occasion :D

Edited by gnasher16
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when you doing it gnasher could the mods not organise a sponser so much a mile or time for craigyboys garden just a thought :thumbs:


I had a natter with my mate im doing this against earlier we will still be having our bet between us 2............but we also spoke about a little home nations challenge if any of you Jocks are up for it :D .....my mate didnt know Craig from adam,well neither did i come to think of it......but i would of liked to have given some kind of donation anyway.......so......what about me and my ENGLISH pal against 2 Jocks off of here ?.......all 4 men timed,losers ( slowest ) to pay an agreed amount to the Craigyboy fund.............i,ll even where a Man Utd shirt on the day in tribute !...........Scothunter,Labtastic,Northernlite,Stanley ??.........or any others,im sure you could come up with a tag team between you.......then maybe share a pint or 2 after seeing its a special occasion :D


Damn fine idea! :toast:

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Guest bullterrier

when you doing it gnasher could the mods not organise a sponser so much a mile or time for craigyboys garden just a thought :thumbs:


I had a natter with my mate im doing this against earlier we will still be having our bet between us 2............but we also spoke about a little home nations challenge if any of you Jocks are up for it :D .....my mate didnt know Craig from adam,well neither did i come to think of it......but i would of liked to have given some kind of donation anyway.......so......what about me and my ENGLISH pal against 2 Jocks off of here ?.......all 4 men timed,losers ( slowest ) to pay an agreed amount to the Craigyboy fund.............i,ll even where a Man Utd shirt on the day in tribute !...........Scothunter,Labtastic,Northernlite,Stanley ??.........or any others,im sure you could come up with a tag team between you.......then maybe share a pint or 2 after seeing its a special occasion :D

great idea gnasher lab been looking for 10min could make him carry that rock back up he nicked :D well in scothunter one more jock for team scotland :thumbs: john
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I why not :) good idea

Mon the mate lets do these cockney c**ts.... Lol

Are you sure your diet of big macs, irn bru and 40 fags a day won't hinder us slightly or we better just donating the money and going for the banter..? ..:-)

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all for a good cause guys, i love winning but even i wouldnt mind losing this 1, if yees get stuck for jocks to show these southerners how to climb a hill, let me know an ill see if i can get time away to visit me homeland an beat these fairys :D

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Guest bullterrier

I why not :) good idea

Mon the mate lets do these cockney c**ts.... Lol

Are you sure your diet of big macs, irn bru and 40 fags a day won't hinder us slightly or we better just donating the money and going for the banter..? ..:-)

be good if we could get a welsh and irish 2 man teams as well :thumbs: john
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