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I'm not sure that most people on this forum would use poison instead of traditional trapping methods, unless they are a Pest Control business, having to meet a customers specific requirements and targets. It seems to me, and indeed applies to me , that most of us are 'trappers' because we love the thrill, the excitement, the anticipation, the expectancy and if successful , the rewards. There are disappointments but we strive to learn and lessen them by becoming more adept at outwitting our quarry. We don't want to completely kill off our rabbit population for example in one hit , as could happen by wholesale poisoning, thereby wiping out our sport/ enjoyment in one fell swoop.

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yea they problay dont understand that poision go's all around the food chain if a bird of pray eats a poisioned mouse rat rabbit anything it will di the fox eats the poisioned bird fox dies


not as simple as that, they need to eat a fair few poisoned animals before it will take affect, i use traps any chance i can over poison, quicker cleaner and safer for all,

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is it me or have more people turned away from traps in favour of poisons,, never see to be many good trap related topics on here now.


I assume your talking about rodents - I still use traps/terriers for rats since its safer for non-target species/pets and avoids problems with rodents dieing in wall cavieties and causing fly and odour problems around buildings etc. It also allows one to keep track on progress in treating an infestation

Edited by killbilly
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