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Male dogs

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ive had this myself and i actually corrected it by making myself look like an idiot running screaming away from the dog, he looked puzzled at first but the wanting to chase and play took over and he came running straight to me, i praised him up loads and after a couple of times his recall was 90% better he still lacks making that 100% daytime but on the lamp it is 100% atb

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The one thing u can try as well is tidbits, e.g. treats, meat etc, dont shout at the dog even though u feel like killing him, praise him when he does come back and feed him a treat, he will associate recall with something nice to return to, and everybodys right, he will grow out of it.

on the subject of male/female, does any one else find male dogs easier to get clean day and night then bitches, dont know if its a co-oincidence but always find dogs a lot cleaner earlier then bitches, especially at night.

i can completely understand what your saying woodys mum, but when the energy level gets too high in a dog no amount of treats is going to make him see your point of view, because most times a lurcher is in that excited state of mind hes running away from us but if we can get the dog to listen to us in a highly excited state of mind, we can achieve a serious level of control in most situations,,

could be right what you say about dogs becoming clean, but where they fall down is pissing on the ferret box when older ,,

mine piss up anything, even each other :laugh: simple when there kennelled :thumbs: i use a whistle to stop the dogs and get them to look at me, however its easy when your running an older dog alongside a youngster :thumbs:


yeah but only if the older one is well behaved. if the older one hasnt been well trained the pup will learn all of its bad habits too!!!

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