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Am I gawn off ma heid

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so the quetion was,,, why do these rescues specify PET homes only ?


are they suggesting that if the dog/ dogs are placed in a working home they won,t be properly looked after ?


granted there is a certain amount of lurcher owners who don,t look after there dogs properly,


so does this mean that only pet owners care properly for there animals, I don,t think so


infact I would suggest to these people that a large amount of these dogs would infact be better off in a working home, I myself and I,m sure many others look after there animals the best way possible, proper diet, regular excercise etc etc and also a much loved part of the family, I mean what would you rather a dog which is hardly walked, gets fat, lazy and wastes away on the sofa ?


atb ( smiley )

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  On 03/04/2012 at 19:24, KittleRox said:



so the quetion was,,, why do these rescues specify PET homes only ?


are they suggesting that if the dog/ dogs are placed in a working home they won,t be properly looked after ?


granted there is a certain amount of lurcher owners who don,t look after there dogs properly,


so does this mean that only pet owners care properly for there animals, I don,t think so


infact I would suggest to these people that a large amount of these dogs would infact be better off in a working home, I myself and I,m sure many others look after there animals the best way possible, proper diet, regular excercise etc etc and also a much loved part of the family, I mean what would you rather a dog which is hardly walked, gets fat, lazy and wastes away on the sofa ?


atb ( smiley )


Thats how "society" believes things to be unfortunately matey :blink: .ATB Andy. :victory:

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my mrs got talking to a lady up the park who breeds whippets she said her friend was trying to re home a pup but as soon as my mrs said to the lady i wanted to take it hunting she then told my mrs she would never let it go to someone that hunts and that whippets used for hunting are to skinny and we give the breed a bad name

when my wife asked her where they not breed for hunting the lady then said i have been breeding them for over 18 years and whippets where not meant to hunt with


silly old cow

Edited by sweet169
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They specify "pet homes" because, usualy, most rescues are sponsored by or have some affilliation with the likes of the RSPCA or PETA ! There are, of course, some rescues who specialise in Lurchers and Greyhounds, and have no qualms about dogs going to "working homes", but these are in the minority, and are the ones we should be supporting ! BUT;any rescue that looks after dogs has got to be admired !!



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Im with you 100% kittierox problem is most if not all rescue workers are brainwashed pet owners that see a lot off ill treated

lurchers and terriers from the dregs of the community and then pin the label on everyone

Rspca propaganda doesnt help the image either

Edited by Carraghs Gem
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  On 05/04/2012 at 20:44, TAXI DRIVER said:

They want to rehome a dog to a "HOME FOR LIFE".Imagine the animal rescue centres that would give free lurchers to any idiot.When they`ve had enough or the dog had an injury etc it would be straight back.

Doesn,t matter where these idiots get there dogs from though whether it be a rescue or otherwise they,re going to dump them anyway, point is alot of these rescue lurchers will end up in very good working homes FOR LIFE :thumbs:

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I live right by an animal sanctuary and we've had are ups and downs, I've never told them I hunt as they are very anti blood I mean OTT, but I know a lot of dog walkers who voulanteer as workers there, the reaon they say working homes are a no no is because of the idiots (which are the minority) who drop there lurchers off half broke, spirit down and misstreated which then tars uss with the same brush, I constatly say you can't build a stronger bond with a dog than by working it, I guess its a lot to do with they are anti-hunting in general

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I`ve taken ferrets from the SSPCA before and let them know it was for working, They were qite happy about it and had no problem.

That was the Kelso centre so I suspect they have a better clue than the Edinburgh bunch, (who I had to threaten with the law once for rehoming a ferret of mine and not letting it come back to me cause it was worked). I got it back though.


I imagine the Kelso crowd would also rehome a dog to a working home also. I mentioned some nice terrier pups that they had, Talked about digging, and they would have let me take a pup (If the missus wisnae there)



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There's two ways of looking at a worked dog, if your working for a rescue.


1. Its going to be used and worked,misstreated etc..as most sanctuarys see it as.


2. The realistic view, the dog will be kept in peek condition, with the best food and diet possible within your budget, you no the dog will be out and loved because you have to build such a strong bond imho to truly work your dog with ease, correct me if I'm wrong?


The other thing the animal sanctuarys don't think about (whick I know about) you meet a nice normal non working family. They do the house check and meet all members off the family, they seem lovely and let it go without any strings attached, apart from let us no how she gets on, do they not think anybody in that family could be acting? I kno a lad who's a complete dick ed to his dog and got it from a sanc and all he had to do on the house visit was smile and play dumb to anything cruel, I see him now bouncing about with a once nice dog now agressive. If they used there commen sense for once and opend there eyes, atleast if they alow you TO WORK it they no your GOING to work it, and could just keep them up to date every 3months or 6months of what injurys in incured and how its doing, this would prevent the worry of what's really going on, and if you can't be bothered with the fuss simple. Don't adopt from a sanc. Buy a pup, what I'm basically saying is people who work there dogs will tell you what's going on and involved, they can't see behind the happy closed doors of the loving family they just sent there loving pet to

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