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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Does anyone know of a good easily available substitute for brass wire? :blink:



Old tv set, mate. Take the back off and look inside. Ye'll spot two little blocks in there, wrapped in copper wire. Rip them out and unwind the wire. I've always just put it round a stick, but I suppose ~ Arm Chair Theorising Alert! ~ ye could probably do something with a fishing reel? Who knows.


Anyway, that's about as cheap as it gets. It's also what I was taught to use for making rat snares, decades and decades ago, by an old school 'Keeper. I've since personaly made and used rabbit wires from the stuff and simply had no problems. I use seven or eight strands of the stuff.


Eyelets? Pushing things a tad further here but, in a 'survival' situation I've made the entire wires 'on site'. Used the eyes from old boots. Smaller, rather than larger ones work best, I found.


They ain't pretty and they won't sell. But they caught me my share of rabbits ;)

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Old tv set, mate. Take the back off and look inside. Ye'll spot two little blocks in there, wrapped in copper wire. Rip them out and unwind the wire.


been looking out for an old tv for a while now :blink: not as easy to "find", for free, as you might think and the guys at the tip want a tenner for them, at that price i might as well buy the propper stuff :laugh: :whistle:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: F*ckin 'ell!


Ok, mate; Keep ye eye on skips. Failing that; Have a word with ye local, lower end of town, TV Repair shop. I used to know one, had old tv's, beyond repair, stacked up outside.

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