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I had a couple rabbit snares set, they were made from some copper wire i had "aquired" :o .When i checked them this afternoon one of the snares was had been broken a little below cord which was tied to the fence. :hmm: .... What would brake/snap a rabbit snare? :blink:

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I had a couple rabbit snares set, they were made from some copper wire i had "aquired" :o .When i checked them this afternoon one of the snares was had been broken a little below cord which was tied to the fence. :hmm: .... What would brake/snap a rabbit snare? :blink:

Anything from a rabbit to a rhino.!!!!!! :hmm: :whistle:

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ahh, ok then, so it could of been anything then, I was just wondering whether snapped wires were a sign of any particular theif. Got a snare made of some other wire i "found" which should hold up better ;)

Edited by borderboy
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I had a couple rabbit snares set, they were made from some copper wire i had "aquired"




Copper wire is not strong enough for rabbit snares - you need brass wire (or steel cable as a last resort) to make them with. One kink and the rabbit will break free which sounds just like what has happened. :no:



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John b, generally if a fox takes them the snare is still there with the head, if a badger takes it the poor bugger is peeled, skin pulled back, (quite impressive) unless your the one in the snare. personally i think the rabbit snapped it because either the wire wasnt up to it or the rabbit spun it till it snapped. No doubt though i will be ridiculed for my assumptions, being an amateur and all. B)

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John b, generally if a fox takes them the snare is still there with the head, if a badger takes it the poor bugger is peeled, skin pulled back, (quite impressive) unless your the one in the snare. personally i think the rabbit snapped it because either the wire wasnt up to it or the rabbit spun it till it snapped. No doubt though i will be ridiculed for my assumptions, being an amateur and all. B)

for once moletrapper , i agree :laugh: i sent shitty a picture of a rabbit in a gripper,eaten by summat, i think he will put it up later, when he gets out of bed

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You can make good strong snares out of copper so unless we can see the actual snare we wont really know but it sounds like your rabbit snapped your snare as they sometimes snap perfectly good six stranded snares set on fences ;)

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You can make good strong snares out of copper so unless we can see the actual snare we wont really know but it sounds like your rabbit snapped your snare as they sometimes snap perfectly good six stranded snares set on fences ;)



:clapper: ... :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Looks like I've arrived too late to read another of Chalkie's famously self destructing posts, eh? Never mind. I don't base what I say on other peoples posts to that degree ;)


I do agree with - was it MoleTrapper? - the assertion that anything from a 'rabbit to a rhino' could have snapped ye wire. My own immidiate thought, on reading ye own rather guarded post, was that a rabbit did it.


Forgive me, but the thought of all these phantom 'Do Gooders' searching the field sides with side cutters in their pockets? Hardly.


BB; Ye don't give us any clue as to the guage or type of copper wire ye " Aquired " for this use, mate. Nor, I believe, do ye even mention how many strands ye used. In fact; Ye don't really give us a whole hell of a lot to go on. But I ~ as, obviously, has P&G ~ have most certainly made my own rabbit wires from some pretty damn thin and soft copper wire. I've just used sufficient strands to make what I considered a workable wire. And I've caught rabbits. Plenty of rabbits.


I've had the odd struggler. One or two which have really gone ballistic and have rolled, twisted and wrapped the wire no end. But those poor sods have always managed to strangle themselves by the time they've managed to break three out of the eight strands I've prepared for them.


So, considering my own experiances; I'd suggest ye may just be using too thin a strand of copper, and too few of them spun together.


Yes. Rabbits can and do snap wires. But seldom enough well made and set ones.


That's been my own experiance, anyway ;)

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Looks like I've arrived too late to read another of Chalkie's famously self destructing posts, eh?


Me too :icon_eek:


I think it may well have been that the wire wasnt up to the job :no: , It was some type of electrical cable which i stripped the plastic coating from, I spun it together to make a 6 strand snare.... I dont think it was a "do-gooder" as it was set in a fairly outta the way spot, and could easily have been untied If they had bothered to get close enough to cut it :o ... I reckon mole trapper was right the wire wasnt upto the job and either the rabbit struggled its way out or a fox tugged it an the wire snapped... I'm going to save for either some propper snares or wire and eyelets, but until then, Does anyone know of a good easily available substitute for brass wire? :blink:

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